
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cats & dogs

I found a quiz on Nathalies blog that I couldn't resist:

You Are: 60% Cat, 40% Dog

You and cats have a lot in common.
You're both smart and in charge -
with a good amount of attitude.
However, you do have a very playful side
that occasionally comes out!

Are You More Cat or Dog?

On another note... Today I had to go to my 'working with experience' course again. This second lesson we told about our not-so-good experiences as a client in the mental health care system. We each had about 5 minutes to tell about some of it. I started and told about my bad experience with my GP at the time (20 years ago), who said I had "no right" to have eating disorders and that I wasn't the type to have them. That caused a major relapse and it took time before I had the courage to ask for help again. I also told about the doctor of the centre where I had my last treatment that totally misjudged the situation when my thyroid gland almost completely stopped working. I got compliments about the way I told my story. The rest of the afternoon was filled with the stories from the others. They were impressive, very moving, at times incredible. The stories had a lot of impact on everyone. We closed the meeting positively by telling a good experience though.


  1. how are you now?? is everything alright..

    take care
    God Bless

  2. Wat een belachelijke reactie, dat je geen recht hebt om eetstoornissen te hebben! Net of je daar iets aan plaats van dat ze dan met een oplossing komen om er van af te geraken...
    Is het niet moeilijk om zo open over die dingen te praten, of maakt de gedeelde ervaring het makkelijker in die groep?

  3. @Justin: I left a message on your BlogLog.

    &Nathalie: Ik kan er heel goed en makkelijk over praten; dat heb ik al zo vaak gedaan. In deze groep zitten mensen met verschillende problemen, dat zou het voor een ander misschien juist lastiger maken. Ik heb er gelukkig geen moeite meer mee. Ik heb meer moeite met het ontvangen van de complimenten achteraf! ;-)


I'm really sorry I had to enable comment & word moderation. Loads of spam comments spoiled the free commenting, but please... don't let it stop you. I love every non-spam comment!
Thanks for visiting.
Love, Tink