Thirteen favourite online book/CD/DVD-stores
Do you have a tip, know another great store like these? ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Something's Missing ~*~ Knitting Maniac ~*~ Lisa ~*~ MysteriousLady ~*~ Kimmy ~*~ Renee ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ MommyBa ~*~ Nadiah Alwi ~*~ SunshineBlues ~*~ Hails ~*~ Incog & Nito ~*~ Lazy Daisy ~*~ Kallie63 ~*~ anneberit ~*~ Pass The Torch ~*~ Nicole ~*~ peppylady ~*~ Ali ~*~ Nancy ~*~ Guppyman ~*~ Dane Bramage ~*~ D. Challener Roe ~*~ Eveline ~*~ PixiePincessMom ~*~ PinkJeweledCat ~*~ Karen ~*~ Jenny Ryan ~*~ Barbara ~*~ Christine ~*~ Paxil Princess ~*~ BecK ~*~ Julie ~*~ Tug ~*~ LuluBunny ~*~ The Merry Rose ~*~ Mandy ~*~ crse ~*~ Irish Church Lady ~*~ JM Snyder ~*~ Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! View More Thursday Thirteen Participants |
Thursday, August 31, 2006
TT #6: online stores
Sunday, August 27, 2006

The kitty on the left is Leo who lives in Arizona with Christine. She visited my Thursday Thirteen about Freyja. If we didn't know better, they could be from the same litter. They are so much alike! It's a real pity we can't bring them together. They'd make an adorable couple!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
This Wednesday I got a very sad message. Last Monday my cousin Misja died, only 35 years old. I knew he was ill, but still his death came as a surprise. Fortunately my brother called me before I got the card, otherwise the news would have been a big shock. I didn't have much contact with Misja, but I regularly heard about him from my mother. She would have been very upset to hear this too. Such a young man...
Thursday evening we all went to the funeral parlour to offer our condolences. That was the first time since mum died and I didn't look forward to it. I was glad to see he wasn't in the same room as mum. In the coffin was a man I didn't recognize as Misja, he looked old and very skinny. I know that's how he looked recently, but I'd rather remember him as the cousin I knew. The family had put a picture there of him in old times. In the next room I started to tremble and suddenly the memories from mum hit me and it became too much. I started to cry and sat down. I felt a bit awkward, but I guess the people there must have understood.
The cremation ceremony took place on Friday morning. Ron had to work, so I asked Joke and Leo to pick me up. I didn't want to drive myself. The ceremony was beautiful. Misja's girlfriend and his youngest sister have spoken. Of course I thought of mum a lot but I could take it, at least until my uncle walked past the coffin and broke down. He lost his wife on a very young age and now this... It was too much. No parent should have to bury his child. Heartbreaking. I cried on the way back across the cemetery.
I was very glad to be home afterwards, but it was okay. I wouldn't have wanted to stay away. I had to go through this at one point anyway and next time it will be a bit less hard. Although of course it will never be easy...
Thursday evening we all went to the funeral parlour to offer our condolences. That was the first time since mum died and I didn't look forward to it. I was glad to see he wasn't in the same room as mum. In the coffin was a man I didn't recognize as Misja, he looked old and very skinny. I know that's how he looked recently, but I'd rather remember him as the cousin I knew. The family had put a picture there of him in old times. In the next room I started to tremble and suddenly the memories from mum hit me and it became too much. I started to cry and sat down. I felt a bit awkward, but I guess the people there must have understood.
The cremation ceremony took place on Friday morning. Ron had to work, so I asked Joke and Leo to pick me up. I didn't want to drive myself. The ceremony was beautiful. Misja's girlfriend and his youngest sister have spoken. Of course I thought of mum a lot but I could take it, at least until my uncle walked past the coffin and broke down. He lost his wife on a very young age and now this... It was too much. No parent should have to bury his child. Heartbreaking. I cried on the way back across the cemetery.
I was very glad to be home afterwards, but it was okay. I wouldn't have wanted to stay away. I had to go through this at one point anyway and next time it will be a bit less hard. Although of course it will never be easy...
Thursday, August 24, 2006
TT #5: Freyja
Thirteen things about Freyja
~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ crse ~*~ My 2 Cents ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ Aginoth ~*~ Jodi ~*~ Wrigley ~*~ Hails ~*~ Irish Church Lady ~*~ Cheryl ~*~ Carmen ~*~ Dane Bramage ~*~ Zeus ~*~ peppylady ~*~ tbirdonawire ~*~ kimmy ~*~ Margaret ~*~ Shannon ~*~ K_T_Cat ~*~ Meg ~*~ Mandy ~*~ Tina ~*~ Southern Girl ~*~ Barbara ~*~ Marti ~*~ Norma ~*~ Stacy ~*~ Christine ~*~ Charmed1 ~*~ Buttercup ~*~ Mrs Lifecruiser ~*~ ribbiticus ~*~ PinkJeweledCat ~*~ Lilize ~*~ Eveline ~*~ Raggedy ~*~ Julie ~*~ Friday's Child ~*~ The Merry Rose ~*~ Knitting Maniac ~*~ Kristarella ~*~ BecK ~*~ anneberit ~*~ Jenny Ryan ~*~ Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! View More Thursday Thirteen Participants |
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Meet... Freyja and Bastet!!
Yesterday I was at the local pet shelter. Ron is giving me two kittens for my birthday. We held a really cute one two weeks ago. She was tiny. I wanted to choose her and another kitten from that litter. They are 5 weeks old. Unfortunately the others were all tomcats, so I had to choose another pussycat. Difficult decision! I wasn't sure until I met this little princess. I made pictures with my mobile phone and suddenly called her Freyja. I don't know why! I hesitated a bit to use a goddess name, but it felt so good. So Freyja it is! A matching name for the little one wasn't very hard: Bastet! It's the name a lot of people use in the Netherlands for Bast.
Freyja is older than Bastet, so this morning I picked her up in the shelter. I made some pics of Bastet too. Freyja seems to be a full breed Balinese. She was left behind, all alone in a cardboard box... She has a little kink in her tail. She has been to the vet yesterday and she is healthy. She is just recovering a bit, because she was full of flees when she was brought into the shelter.
On the way home I stopped at Pet's Place to buy the basic stuff. At home Freyja met Foofur and Boris. She was very curious. Boris too, but Foofur totally ignored her in the beginning. He gave me that certain look and walked away. But eventually his curiosity won and now they are lying on the couch together. When I correct Freyja he runs towards her like a policeman, just like he did with all her predecessors. Things will be fine, I guess. :-)
Freyja already had "maternity visitors". Gerard and Sylvia came to meet her. Later Monique stopped by. Freyja was exploring the living room, but got stuck between the central heating and the windowsill. Monique and I guided her out of there. I don't think she'll try it again. I left her alone to walk the dogs and when we returned she was asleep on the couch. The dogs woke her up and she looked into the camera.
I'll keep you posted! I can tell you this: kittens are the best anti-depressants I know! :-)
Freyja is older than Bastet, so this morning I picked her up in the shelter. I made some pics of Bastet too. Freyja seems to be a full breed Balinese. She was left behind, all alone in a cardboard box... She has a little kink in her tail. She has been to the vet yesterday and she is healthy. She is just recovering a bit, because she was full of flees when she was brought into the shelter.
On the way home I stopped at Pet's Place to buy the basic stuff. At home Freyja met Foofur and Boris. She was very curious. Boris too, but Foofur totally ignored her in the beginning. He gave me that certain look and walked away. But eventually his curiosity won and now they are lying on the couch together. When I correct Freyja he runs towards her like a policeman, just like he did with all her predecessors. Things will be fine, I guess. :-)
Freyja already had "maternity visitors". Gerard and Sylvia came to meet her. Later Monique stopped by. Freyja was exploring the living room, but got stuck between the central heating and the windowsill. Monique and I guided her out of there. I don't think she'll try it again. I left her alone to walk the dogs and when we returned she was asleep on the couch. The dogs woke her up and she looked into the camera.
I'll keep you posted! I can tell you this: kittens are the best anti-depressants I know! :-)
Friday, August 18, 2006
Yesterday I had a good day. I felt somewhat better and it really helped me to sum up what makes me happy. I had to cry when I heard one of mum's songs on Sky radio, but it didn't influence my whole day. I just had sore eyes for the rest of the day.
In the afternoon my friend Leonie and I met to do cryptograms together. That's become a tradition on Thursday afternoons. We have a lot of fun and together we solve the most difficult crypto's.
Around 6.30pm Wonder picked me up to go to a SFGA-meeting. We parked the car on the P+R car park near Amsterdam Sloterdijk Station. With the parking ticket you get two public transport tickets to use in the train or in tram/bus/etc. Nice service, but by train we couldn't get far enough and by tram it would take too long... From the other Amsterdam P+R you can travel almost anywhere in the city centre on the free ticket. Ah well, good lesson for next time: no parking near Sloterdijk anymore!
The weather was okay, so we walked from the Central Station to the location. We were the first, but soon the others came. It wasn't very busy and we didn't have a theme, so the evening didn't become all too spiritual and/or philosophical. ;-) We had a good time though, sitting outside by a canal just chatting and catching up. I was very tired, so I didn't protest when Wonder wanted to leave early. We were walking back to the Central Station when I got a bit unwell: sweaty, dizzy, headache and somewhat nauseated. I was afraid it would become a migraine. Wonder had to support me. At home he did a pressure point massage (?) and that helped well enough to have a good night's sleep and to wake up without a migraine!
In the afternoon my friend Leonie and I met to do cryptograms together. That's become a tradition on Thursday afternoons. We have a lot of fun and together we solve the most difficult crypto's.
Around 6.30pm Wonder picked me up to go to a SFGA-meeting. We parked the car on the P+R car park near Amsterdam Sloterdijk Station. With the parking ticket you get two public transport tickets to use in the train or in tram/bus/etc. Nice service, but by train we couldn't get far enough and by tram it would take too long... From the other Amsterdam P+R you can travel almost anywhere in the city centre on the free ticket. Ah well, good lesson for next time: no parking near Sloterdijk anymore!
The weather was okay, so we walked from the Central Station to the location. We were the first, but soon the others came. It wasn't very busy and we didn't have a theme, so the evening didn't become all too spiritual and/or philosophical. ;-) We had a good time though, sitting outside by a canal just chatting and catching up. I was very tired, so I didn't protest when Wonder wanted to leave early. We were walking back to the Central Station when I got a bit unwell: sweaty, dizzy, headache and somewhat nauseated. I was afraid it would become a migraine. Wonder had to support me. At home he did a pressure point massage (?) and that helped well enough to have a good night's sleep and to wake up without a migraine!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
TT #4: happy
Thirteen happy “things” I haven't been feeling very well this week, so it's time to look at what makes me happy!
~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ Something's Missing ~*~ Norma ~*~ Friday's Child ~*~ Wendy Pereira ~*~ Kailani ~*~ Nyasha ~*~ Tina ~*~ Happy Birthday, ~ Stacy ~! ~*~ Irish Church Lady ~*~ Trisha ~*~ e ~*~ Knitting Maniac ~*~ Hails ~*~ Pass The Torch ~*~ Carmen ~*~ Minerva Jane ~*~ Shannon ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ Olwen ~*~ Deanna ~*~ My Two Cents ~*~ Barbara ~*~ Dane Bramage ~*~ charmed1 ~*~ Kukka-Maria ~*~ PinkJeweledCat ~*~ Sophisticated Writer ~*~ K T Cat ~*~ Julie ~*~ Buttercup ~*~ Jenny Ryan ~*~ Renee ~*~ Shaylondon ~*~ Christine ~*~ Lilize ~*~ Nadiah Alwi ~*~ crse ~*~ Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! View More Thursday Thirteen Participants |
Monday, August 14, 2006
The glass is empty
a drop of sweet water
devoured by the salty ocean
irreversibly vanished
lost forever...
That's kind of how I feel. I seem to have lost my positive and optimistic touch. I feel... I don't know, do I feel? I don't think I want to... It's like I'm living separately, as if there's a dark veil between me and the rest of the world. Sometimes even a non-transparent smokescreen and I don't know how to get rid of it.
I'm sorry... I don't want to be this gloomy. It often helps me to write down my feelings, but it doesn't work this time. Don't worry, I'll be okay again...
21.15u: On top of it all we had to let Poemel go tonight... The vet said it was the best decision for her. Dementia, thyroid and kidney problems; everything seemed to have worsened. She couldn't enjoy life anymore. The Rainbow Bridge is getting crowded... Bye Poemel, bye sweetie, love you always...
devoured by the salty ocean
irreversibly vanished
lost forever...
That's kind of how I feel. I seem to have lost my positive and optimistic touch. I feel... I don't know, do I feel? I don't think I want to... It's like I'm living separately, as if there's a dark veil between me and the rest of the world. Sometimes even a non-transparent smokescreen and I don't know how to get rid of it.
I'm sorry... I don't want to be this gloomy. It often helps me to write down my feelings, but it doesn't work this time. Don't worry, I'll be okay again...
21.15u: On top of it all we had to let Poemel go tonight... The vet said it was the best decision for her. Dementia, thyroid and kidney problems; everything seemed to have worsened. She couldn't enjoy life anymore. The Rainbow Bridge is getting crowded... Bye Poemel, bye sweetie, love you always...
Thursday, August 10, 2006
TT #3: pets
Thirteen beloved pets
~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ Something's Missing ~*~ Ardice ~*~ benson659 ~*~ Jodi ~*~ Carmen ~*~ Michelle ~*~ Pass The Torch ~*~ Knitting Maniac ~*~ The Tempest ~*~ Jewels ~*~ Lyn ~*~ Shannon ~*~ Kukka-Maria ~*~ Jenny Ryan ~*~ Denise ~*~ Debby ~*~ My Two Cents ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ Ghost ~*~ Froggie Mama ~*~ Natsthename ~*~ Karla ~*~ Rae ~*~ Tracy ~*~ Mandy ~*~ Astrocoz ~*~ Norma ~*~ Sarah ~*~ Ocean Lady ~*~ Lisa ~*~ BecK ~*~ charmed1 ~*~ Gail Martin ~*~ Dane Bramage ~*~ Shaylondon ~*~ EmilyRoseJewel ~*~ factor10 ~*~ tiggerprr ~*~ Nadiah Alwi ~*~ Irish Church Lady ~*~ Christina ~*~ lisa-marie ~*~ Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! View More Thursday Thirteen Participants |
Monday, August 07, 2006
Last Saturday I have been to Castlefest, a medieval/fantasy/pagan festival with lots of stands and great entertainment in the gardens of castle "De Keukenhof" in Lisse. After a week of colder and very wet weather (nope, you won't hear me complain!) it was dry and sunny, not too hot; perfect weather for an outdoor festival. I've spent most of the day with Wonder, but I've met lots of friends. Some I had seen lately, with others it had been a long(er) time. So good to see them all!
The outfits we saw around us were simply amazing; everyone had done their best. Luna looked great, Wonder wore medieval clothing, Llwella was dressed as the tooth fairy, etc. At first I wore my Witchy Girls t-shirt and my black cloak. When Sorcha tried on a black top with purple pointed sleeves and cap, it was too wide for her. She encouraged me to try it on, so I did. Of course I had my doubts (don't I always..?), but the others convinced me and it was 75 % off. I needed to get used to it, but I think I like it!
Apart from the top I haven't bought anything. I've seen enough, but nothing I had to buy right there. Food and drinks were served in earthenware cups and plates. The deposit was 2 Castlefest Coins or 4 euro for one cup or plate. I kept my cup with Castlefest logo.
The entertainment was varied and good. Wonder and I watched and listened to a story by Donderelf. The story was "Ian Dureach and the Blue Falcon". We heard it before, but it was good nevertheless. Unfortunately his wife Theresia wasn't with him to play the harp. Later on the day we heard two other women play their harps. We sat down for a while and quietly enjoyed it.
On the big podium we saw Omnia and Faun. I like them, but I've discovered that I'm a bigger fan of Rapalje. Their Celtic folk music holds a great attraction for me: sometimes soft and melodious, another song wild and cheerful. Definitely great entertainment!
The evening ended with a big fireshow, but I couldn't see a lot of it. Afterwards I drove Luna and Sorcha to Amsterdam (otherwise they had to travel by bus and train for 2 hours). It was after midnight when I got home. Very, very tired but looking back on a terrific day!
I didn't make a lot of pics myself, but here are a few online albums from others:
Castlefest gallery
Leuke Mensen
Richard van Gils
Klik en Klaar
Marco van den Broek
Henk van den Berg
The outfits we saw around us were simply amazing; everyone had done their best. Luna looked great, Wonder wore medieval clothing, Llwella was dressed as the tooth fairy, etc. At first I wore my Witchy Girls t-shirt and my black cloak. When Sorcha tried on a black top with purple pointed sleeves and cap, it was too wide for her. She encouraged me to try it on, so I did. Of course I had my doubts (don't I always..?), but the others convinced me and it was 75 % off. I needed to get used to it, but I think I like it!
Apart from the top I haven't bought anything. I've seen enough, but nothing I had to buy right there. Food and drinks were served in earthenware cups and plates. The deposit was 2 Castlefest Coins or 4 euro for one cup or plate. I kept my cup with Castlefest logo.
The entertainment was varied and good. Wonder and I watched and listened to a story by Donderelf. The story was "Ian Dureach and the Blue Falcon". We heard it before, but it was good nevertheless. Unfortunately his wife Theresia wasn't with him to play the harp. Later on the day we heard two other women play their harps. We sat down for a while and quietly enjoyed it.
On the big podium we saw Omnia and Faun. I like them, but I've discovered that I'm a bigger fan of Rapalje. Their Celtic folk music holds a great attraction for me: sometimes soft and melodious, another song wild and cheerful. Definitely great entertainment!
The evening ended with a big fireshow, but I couldn't see a lot of it. Afterwards I drove Luna and Sorcha to Amsterdam (otherwise they had to travel by bus and train for 2 hours). It was after midnight when I got home. Very, very tired but looking back on a terrific day!
I didn't make a lot of pics myself, but here are a few online albums from others:
Castlefest gallery
Leuke Mensen
Richard van Gils
Klik en Klaar
Marco van den Broek
Henk van den Berg
Thursday, August 03, 2006
TT #2: Men
Thirteen men in my life
~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. ~ Stacy ~ 2. My Two Cents 3. Laura 4. The Merry Rose 5. Raggedy 6. Nathalie 7. Something's Missing 8. Cheeky 9. Carmen 10. LadyBug Crossing 11. Friday's Child 12. mar 13. Pass The Torch 14. Momma Piñata 15. Shannon 16. Christina 17. Lindsey 18. Ash 19. Dane Bramage 20. Mysterious Lady 21. Dawn 22. Barbara 23. Minerva Jane 24. Jenny Ryan 25. Lilize 26. Kailani 27. Shaylondon 28. Leanne 29. charmed1 30. Irish Church Lady 31. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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