
Friday, October 21, 2005


Yesterday I went to Amsterdam for the monthly SFGA-meeting. Luna Verde told us something about the origin of runes and how she uses them. Very interesting! I knew a bit about runes. I sometimes use them in a ritual (carving one in a candle, or placing one runestone on the altar). I've never used them in divination (yet), because I want to make my own set and get more acquainted with them. I'm still learning about tarot and I can't do everything at the same time. Luna showed us her set, selfmade from oak and branded with a soldering iron. Beautiful! She also gave us some info on paper, like this (about the Futhark, in Dutch) and this (about Anglo-Saxon runes, in English).
There is an online runecaster. I also use this site for info on runes.


  1. Interessante info Tink!

    Ik ben benieuwd hoe jouw runen eruit gaan zien. Ikzelf heb halfedelsteen-runen. Ik doe er nog niet zoveel mee, maar dat komt nog wel.

    Blessed be,

  2. O, dat lijkt me ook erg mooi! Ik denk dat ik ze van hout ga maken, maar nu nog even niet. :-)
    Ik heb nog twee links toegevoegd, die ik zelf al gebruikte.

    B*B, Tink


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Love, Tink