Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Anno Domini 1407 (2007)
It was already dark when we arrived in the youth hostel in Luxemburg. We put our stuff in the rooms and decided to go up hill to the city centre to look around. It was a steep road, so I had to rest a while when we arrived at the top. It was worthwhile though: the view was great. Luxemburg is a very old and beautiful city. In the centre everything was prepared for the medieval market. There was live music. We sat on the Place d'Armes to have a drink. When we got back we sat outside the hostel for a while, but I was very tired so I went to bed. We slept in bunk beds and the room was very warm, but I slept like a log!
The next morning we woke up early. After breakfast we went up hill again for the medieval market. At one of the first booths I found my dress! There was only one and in my size so I decided on the spot to buy it and put it on immediately. Luna braided my hair. Ron has bought a black shirt in medieval style. The market itself wasn't big, but very interesting. Ron has spent a lot of hours in front of the forge. The smiths were making an ox. I asked whether he could buy it, but it was reserved. They appreciated his interest and attention though so near the end of the market on Sunday they gave him the original!
The entertainment was very good. Street musicians like Die Streuner, Peter Siche und Die Irrlichter, artists like Melania and strong man Georges Christen; I enjoyed all of them! On the podium performances by Omnia (wonderful) and Poeta Magica (great music, as long as the female singer kept her mouth shut).
The booths were very interesting too. This was my favourite one; it looked great and the woman in it was very nice. We also made the group picture in front of her booth. Luna helped a salesman in his stand that made pendants from coins. I bought a lovely wooden box and Wonder and I got the same tree pendant.
Sunday we started the day with a nice walk through the neighbourhood. Luxemburg is so beautiful! It's a real pity we didn't see more. Perhaps next year we can come a day earlier or leave later. The walk was at least something. The weather didn't cooperate as the rain was pouring, but we enjoyed ourselves very much and made lots of pictures. We took an elevator up hill, so I wasn't too tired when we arrived at the market again. Because of the rain we decided to drive back to The Netherlands somewhat earlier. We picked up the dogs at Gaialynn's and arrived home late at night. Very tired but with a great weekend of memories to enjoy for a long time!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
TT #50: reasons for not blogging
Please, think of our friends in need and /or burn a candle, pray, send positive vibes, etc. Thanks! ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! |
Thursday, July 19, 2007
TT #49: full moon names
source: Farmer's Almanac I didn't have a lot of time for a TT, so I made it easy for myself this week. I wanted to share the above article anyway, so why not make it my TT? ;-) ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ Joely Sue ~*~ Wacky Mommy ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ ancsweetnsassygal ~*~ Robin ~*~ Mo ~*~ Tempest Knight ~*~ colleen ~*~ starrlight ~*~ Fence ~*~ Suprina ~*~ Lesley ~*~ Mark ~*~ Christine d'Abo ~*~ Susan Helene ~*~ Nicki Mann ~*~ Mom not Mum ~*~ Ben Clapton ~*~ L^2 ~*~ DK ~*~ Rhian / Crowwoman ~*~ Wylie Kinson ~*~ Thomma Lyn ~*~ palmtreefanatic ~*~ julia ~*~ Dorothy ~*~ Lady Rose ~*~ Dragonheart ~*~ Mitch ~*~ Titania Starlight ~*~ Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Tall & short

Monday, July 16, 2007
Well, to make a long story short: Ron decided to build me another computer, just as fast and with my own stuff. Fortunately I had made a backup recently, so nothing's lost. I've been busy the last few days with downloading and installing all the programs I'm used to have. But... I'm back!!
P.S. I finally added links to pictures to the post about the handfasting and fair here.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Book Quiz
You're Watership Down!
by Richard Adams
Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You'd be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Well... that book is one of my favourites for sure!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
TT #48: essentials
I realize how lucky I am to not having to live without these things. So many people in the world are less fortunate. I know and I care, so I share! ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Monday, July 09, 2007
Handfasting & Shamanic Fair
Then it was time to drive to Lochem. After a beautiful drive in the afternoon sun we arrived early at Centrum Athanor, the location. We asked where we could pitch the tent, but that wasn't even necessary. At a wonderful place surrounded by bushes and trees already stood a tent and we could use that one for the night. It was next to their sweatlodge. After we unpacked the stuff we'd need we changed our clothes. Wonder wore his new shirt and I had taken my black skirt and blouse.
We met a lot of people we hadn't seen for a long time, some for years. Great to hug and talk to them again! When Molaris and Aphrodite Moira sat down we offered our present. We had decorated and filled a framework with freshly picked corn and other plants. In the back was a sonnet by Shakespeare (Shall I compare thee...) and on the glass in front was a blessing in gold. Mol and Aphro were very happy with it and surprised it was selfmade; that's a big compliment!
We had time to eat and drink something, and to look around the property. I have been there years ago when they just started, but now it is ready and even prettier. The stone circle is still magnificent and full of energy. Compare then and now!
Somewhere around 6.30pm the handfasting ritual began. Torc led the ceremony; we know him from several other occasions. The ceremony was impressive, warm and beautiful. Mol and Aphro are so obviously loving each other and meant to be together; they looked so happy! Their promises and the binding of the hands were very touching. The people of Dragonheart Flying Team brought two owls into the circle, Nazgûl and Smeagol. Benjamin2Bears (yes, the one from the Brookberg) introduced and led the drumcircle for the happy couple. It felt powerful and very good. Aphro was enjoying it so much she was shaking on her feet! During almost the whole ceremony a butterfly was sitting on the same spot right in front of Wonder and me. A butterfly stands for metamorphosis!
Back at the square in front of the farmhouse we sat around the fire and caught up with everyone. One by one people had to go. It was strange to stay there! After midnight Wonder and I decided to go back to the stone circle. We saw the moon rise and looked at the stars; a magical night on a very magical place! I wouldn't have missed this special moment for the world. It was 1.30am when we finally went to sleep. We had to get up very early, so we didn't sleep long.
Sunday morning when we woke up at 6.30am it was chilly, but sunny with a blue sky. It was very quiet, just the birds singing... Reluctantly we left this wonderful place to go to Eindhoven. In Aquamarijn there was a shamanic fair, organized by Vrouwenkracht (women power). In one of the big rooms we got 9 m2 for Wellness Massages. We built and decorated a nice stand (see pics of table, chair and info corner) for which we got a lot of compliments. We wore matching t-shirts, done by Gerard. The amount of visitors varied from time to time, but Wonder had enough customers to cover the costs and even have something extra. A lot of people asked for information and/or took a folder. All in all it was a successful undertaking.
After we took down the stand and packed the car we drove to Gaialynn. Ron had already been at her place during the day and waited there for us. She had made dinner for us. Yummy, we were quite hungry! We talked and sat for a while. I almost fell asleep, so we decided to drive home. What a weekend!!
*** I'll add pictures later. My computer has problems, I'm now on Ron's or on the laptop. Come back soon!
July 16: I finally added the pics!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Witchy Girls Night: Fire
The altar looked beautiful as ever in fiery summer colours. Sorcha had baked the bread in the middle herself. During the ritual we each lit a tealight. We did some energy exercises and talked about what fire means to us. For me it's an ambivalent element. It has always attracted me, but I'm also afraid of it. It stands for passion, love, creativity, energy; but the other side is destruction. Fire is a one-way element: once something is burnt, it can't be turned back into its original form. We performed the creativity part by making fire-inspired paintings on each other with grease paint. Here are some of them. That was fun! We also drew a tarot card; mine was the nine of pentacles. It stands for (the obligation to nourish) artistic gifts and talents, for success, wealth, beauty and love of nature. The other side is solitude and loneliness though.
We had all brought a little gift and put it in Sorcha's cauldron. Before we went home, we took something out. I had bought a little red candle in glass and added a fire blessing; Lothanna picked it. I picked two red peppers in a handmade red bag, made by Luna. I'm drying them to use on my altar; they are too spicy for me to eat!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
TT #47: handfasting
Btw, we found a present for Saturday; Wonder came up with a great idea. We are making something ourselves. Can't tell you about it yet, but I'll post pics after the weekend! ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Bankerchick ~*~ Dewey ~*~ Stonegirl ~*~ Sue ~*~ Thomma Lyn ~*~ Robin ~*~ sobeit ~*~ she ~*~ Natalie ~*~ misc-mum ~*~ DK ~*~ jdoriot ~*~ MommyBa ~*~ Joely Sue ~*~ Gabriella Hewitt ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Daisy ~*~ Tempest Knight ~*~ owensmomma ~*~ Stella Price ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ Alasandra ~*~ Dragonheart ~*~ Lesley ~*~ N.J. Walters ~*~ Chris ~*~ Christine d'Abo ~*~ Chelle Y. ~*~ Sanni ~*~ Lexa Roséan ~*~ Mark Caldwell ~*~ Julia ~*~ Rhian / Crowwoman ~*~ Susan Helene ~*~ pussreboots ~*~ Ann ~*~ Nancy Lindquist ~*~ mama kelly ~*~ Lori ~*~ Matthew Didier ~*~ Kimo & Sabi ~*~ Friday's Child ~*~ Shelby ~*~ Khlari ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Weigh In 2
- Apr. 3 (my start): 110.2 kg - 46% fat - BMI 36.8
- May 1 (10:4 start): 104.9 kg - 45% fat - BMI 35
- June 5 (1st update): 99.3 kg - 43% fat - BMI 33.2
- July 3 (2nd update): 97.5 kg - 41% fat - BMI 32.6
This afternoon I was making orange and kiwi juice with a juicer. Not my favourite job, but fresh juice is the best and so yummy! Suddenly I got an electric shock, the fuses blew and the juicer stopped. I'm okay, I was just a bit shaken. The juicer is definitely deceased though!
I've been thinking about purchasing a Jack LaLanne's Power Juicer. I especially like the extra-large feeder, the pulp collector and the fact that it's easy to clean. Perhaps it's time to get it now... Do any of you have experience with it?
Monday, July 02, 2007
Marian Green Workshop
Marian showed us that divination tools don't have to be fancy and/or expensive. Something on a string works just fine as a pendulum. I didn't bring my own pendulum, so I used a stone on a string from Marian. Needless to say it worked properly! We also learned to use a pendulum for testing and balancing a person's chakras.
It's easy to make your own oracle by collecting little things like a pebble, wool, button, ring, etc. Each item gets its meaning by everyone personally. We used Marian's oracle in two groups to answer each other's questions: "What is the essence of symbology?" and "How can the collective subconscious help to make a harmonious world?" Not the easiest questions, but with help of the oracle we found satisfying answers. Amazing!
Marian also told us some very interesting stuff about the tarot. The symbology is very old (allegedly dating back to the Egyptians), but real cards only came in the 14th century when cardboard was invented. It was originally a game, but later became an oracle. Members of the Golden Dawn had to make their own tarot deck, so that's when the variety started. Arthur Edward Waite was co-creator of the Rider-Waite deck. He was (one of the?) first to use illustrations for his deck; Pamela Colman Smith was the illustrator. Roughly 80 to 90 percent of the present-day decks is based on the Rider-Waite one.
She told much more, but I can't share all of it. We also did some exercises with the tarot. We each took a card, studied it and tried to "be" it, become one with it. My card was the Two of Cups. I had brought my Druidcraft Tarot, because I like it much better than the Rider-Waite. This is its Two of Cups. Cups stand for emotions. The two stands for love, healing, friendship, romance. It felt good to be the woman on the card!
Another topic we studied is scrying. This divination method needs a lot of practice. It isn't completely safe; the images are unlimited and you are on your own in an altered state of consciousness. Therefore it's important to take precautions. It is better not to do it alone and start in a controlled situation.
To practice we stood around a black cloth with our eyes closed. When we opened them, Marian had thrown a handful of white rice on it. We had to stare and look at what we saw in it. In 3 groups we talked about our experience and later with the whole group. It was remarkable that a lot of the same things were mentioned, although we stood on different sides of the cloth. It meant we were attuned as a group.
On Sunday we did a past life guided journey. I did that before in my first workshop with Marian in November last year. This time I was a woman surrounded by cats, walking in a green field in the woods, but near the sea. I felt peaceful, comfortable and relaxed. I had long, reddish blond hair, wore brown skirts with a white apron. It's striking that I always have cats; not only in every life, but also when I do inner journeys, meditations, etc.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
I won an award!
- Sanni at Coffee 2 go
- Darla at Nichtszusagen
- Patrizia at Gabriella Hewitt
- Mama Kelly & Lady Rose at 2 Witches Blog
- Sue at Life in the Urban Zoo
Why? Because their blogs are always interesting to me; to smile, to learn, to see, etc.
You rock, girls!