
Thursday, April 26, 2007

TT #37: things I do on the computer

Thirteen things I do on the computer

You know by now that I'm a computer addict. I spend a lot of hours in front of my flatscreen monitor. Sometimes people ask me what the **** I'm doing all this time, so I made a list for you!

  • blogging - I keep this blog in English and a private divination blog in Dutch.
  • surfing - Just starting at my Google startpage or any link someone provided I visit websites I'd never have seen otherwise.
  • finances - Postbank, Visa, Paypal... I like to be up-to-date on our finances.
  • collections - keeping track easily of my collections in Excel and online sources
  • e-mail - I love e-mail, quicker and easier than snail mail, personal and business-wise; still I'll always like to write real cards and letters.
  • forums - There have been times I spent most of my online time on forums; not anymore, but I like to keep informed and talk with others. I'm a member on several forums: about witchy stuff, Robbie Williams, books, etc.
  • chat - I have a lot of people in my messengers lists; it's an easy way to contact people. I also have Skype.
  • music - I have Dolby Surround on my PC and lots of music, video's etc.
  • pictures - I use my digital camera very much and I have many pictures on my harddisk, neatly stored in well-organized folders.
  • polls & surveys - I like to voice my opinion by filling in polls and surveys on various subjects, often interesting stuff.
  • Get Paid To - Every day I take some time to click links in e-mails from GPT-sites. I get paid for it and I've earned quite some money with it . Look here for more info.
  • my website - I made a website in GooglePages and like to work on it.
  • sync with my iPaq - I sync my contacts, calendar, tasks and some files; that way I have a lot of information with me in my handbag.

What do you do on your computer?

*** from your comments I know I do a lot more with my PC: BookCrossing, PostCrossing, downloading and loooots more! ***


Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. Very cool! I do just about everything you do as well.... and work, of course, have to do that work on the computer.... and play games like my civilizations game... and World of Warcraft... well, I used to play WoW... I don't anymore.

    Happy Thursday!

  2. Anonymous26/4/07 00:28

    Neat-o! I do many of those things as well -- I write, shop online, blog, participate in forums, communicate with family and friends. My laptop is my primary day-to-day tool!

    Happy TT, and thanks for visiting mine! :)

  3. Anonymous26/4/07 00:48

    good list!

  4. Mostly I write, code and make pictures. Oh and play the odd game of Civ or Rome Total War. And waste time on the web. And worry away at my web site.

  5. Anonymous26/4/07 01:10

    I used to be on forums a lot but I've been terrible about it lately. I also used to have a web site but I moved most of it to my blog. I grew tired of having to mess with the HTML and graphics. Blogging was so much easier.

  6. I spend WAY too much time on my computer, and not for the things I should be doing :)
    I'm addicted to blogging/blogs, gossip/entertainment sites, and now, MySpace.

  7. Yours is a great list.

    Mine is a little more basic: blog, forum friends, shop, banking, email, writing & researching.

  8. Girl, what on earth did we do before computers?! You really do use the fire out of yours! I telecommute; I write for an entertainment company in New York which is more than 1000 miles from where I live, so yeah, my computer is very important to me, too. Have a great week and Happy TTing.
    A Flyover Blog

  9. Where would we be without the Internet??? I swear, nothing would ever get done! (Oh, you mean things DO get done?)

    Happy TT, Tink!

  10. Whoa! You organize your collections in Excel spread sheets? That's a great idea. Don't suppose you could take a screen shot and post it to show how you've done it? I'm convinced that I'm not worth talking to since the half-million people on my messenger list are never on. ;)

    By the way, since you asked last week, I posted a photo of my desk -- just for you!

  11. funny how computers have become such a huge part of our lifes!

  12. I do most of those as well. I don't know how I could live without a computer. I do everything on it.

  13. That was a cool TT. Now, why didn't I think of it? :)

  14. Most of those are mine too!

    Thanks for visiting me :)

  15. Basically the same things, plus try to find things of interest for my children about whatever topic we're covering in school.

    Happy TT!

  16. Very interesting list! There are many things that can be done. I guess most of what I do online is work on my two online courses that I teach in college English--British literature and freshman essay writing.

  17. Before blogging, I used to play a lot of games on POGO. I like to check out beads and jewelry supplies on ebay. Oh yea, I do some work also...
    fun list.

  18. I have so many of those same ones on my list!

  19. Wow! I still haven't figured out how to get paid blogging or computering (is that even a word?)

    And skype...I hear a lot about that.

  20. Let's see, I web design, run my site, blog, email, chat (rarely), telecommute, blog, visit some forums, listen to music, create digital art, BookCrossing and Postcrossing among other things.

  21. My laptop is basically an extension of my body these days. I use it to work, to blog, to read the paper, check the weather, shop, plan trips, organize photos, you name it...

  22. Anonymous26/4/07 09:11

    You are certainly more talented than I am with a computer. I feel like I'm trying to catch the tail of a cat and never quite reaching it. The technology just moves ahead so fast.

    Fascinating list. Happy TT Day!

  23. Anonymous26/4/07 09:36

    I don't know if it's Blogger or my ISP that's misbehaving, but this is the 3rd time I've tried to post a comment ;(

    I apologize if you get spammed by me.

    I use my computer for all the things you do and also for ISD work (manual development, report writing, video capture and flash editing).

  24. Oh, cool idea. I do most of those, too, as well as shopping and playing solitaire.

  25. I mostly blog, shop, mail and download music (legal, wheyhey) and look up info with my computer.

  26. i own a graphic design firm so i make my living by computer. it's a HELLAVA alot easier to do it by computer than it used to be by hand, let me tell you!

  27. Most of the things I do or have too, besides chat and Forums I did that in the past but now I prefer blogs. Could you explain to me what a "survey" means ? I don't understand what it is and have gotten some emails asking me for that !

  28. I do so many things online now, I can't imagine doing them any other way. I love my online banking and getting music online. And buying books online is the best invention ever!

  29. Anonymous26/4/07 15:07

    I write. And write and write and write...

    I also blog, maintain my web site, visit daily. :)

    Big fan of the Netherlands over here (that's where you are, right?). My husband is Belgian, (but he doesn't love there anymore). :) When we go to Belgium, we often travel north to Amsterdam.

    ~ Anya

  30. Cool list! I am a computer addict too, lol. Thanks for visiting me. ^_^

  31. Yep, lot's of things to do on the computer. Great list :)

  32. Anonymous26/4/07 17:01

    HMM You click here sites ;). I gotta go look at your stats. You have a awesome 13 today. Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  33. Those all sound like good things to do on the computer! Blogging, surfing, mail, forums, photos, etc. are all things I do too!

  34. Lots of fun stuff - I spend a lot of time on the computer. I love to blog and read other blogs. Then there's a couple groups that I'm in. Using Flickr, playing with lists on Lists of Bests or 43Things, my library on shelfari or librarything. It's a wonder I get anything else done. LOL!

  35. Anonymous26/4/07 17:27

    That'd be pretty much my list as well. And I have a few games that I play. I love my computer!

    Happy TT!

  36. Hi Tinkerbell - Like you, I am too computer addicted. I do just about everything you mention on your list except the Ipaq and "Get Paid To" thing. This sound like a good deal. I have one similiar to it but we just click a link to take us to another website to take a *look* and then close the window. We get points for looking at the website we click link from :)

    Happy TT - have a good day!

  37. I'm a Web editor by trade, so I work on the computer. At night, I avoid it like the plague. :)

  38. Yeah my laptop is like permanently attached to my fingertips! The power was out for like half an hour the other night because of a storm, and I didn't know what to do with myself.

  39. Your computer gets a workout.

    I use mine for surfing, digital photography, and scanning and archiving old family photos. Nobody else in my extended family seems to be interested in doing it, so I guess I'm the family's photo archivist.

    I also write a lot, including my two blogs, one mostly memories and stories, but the other is photography.

  40. You do do a lot on your computer!

    I use mine for web-boards and book forums, quite a bit. Plus, I keep some scripts on here, and photos and I edit some small films. but I don't feel i've yet even begun to tap into all the things I could use it for. Soemtimes I'll watch a movie ehre int he kitchen while I'm cooking...or having breakfast...
    It's great that your computer is such a benefit to your life.

    Hey I'm slow and late today, but here is my TT list:

  41. Wow, what would we do without our computers now!? I would be so totally lost at home and work without mine!!!
    Great list.

  42. You have given me some good ideas which I plan to Mahalo Nui Loa! And Happy TT!

  43. Great list! I'm an internet junkie, but I think I like the getting paid part the best. LOL

  44. *sigh* all of the above, Tink!
    and I love my IPAQ. I read books on it.
    oh...and shop. CanNOT forget shopping!

  45. Great list! I do just about all that as well.


  46. I love my computer and would never part with it. Television? Yes. Computer? Nope.

    Happy Thursday. Today I participatedfor the first time. I had a blast. :o)

  47. Another great list for a TT - thanks for sharing. I´m a stay at home work from home mom for... hey, since this is Luis 1st birthday... one year today. So I do everything with my computer =)

  48. oh, Skype, that means you are chatting and type chatting. very cool.

    Forums are pretty much dead now adays

  49. I also play Yahoo Alchemy to distraction. I had to take a break

  50. so i'm not all that weird.

    i do many of the same things plus write, play games, research, listen to radio, watch TV episodes from hours to weeks after they air so I am not tied to the network schedule. The computer with internet today is a pocket office, concert hall, town hall, shopping mall, library, arcade, post office, theater as well as a tool for artistic production in several media from text to graphics and music to video.

    this week my TT30 is resources for free ebooks online. part of my research into substitutes for library resources we lost here this month

  51. cool list! I do most of those things, too! I checked out your website---very interesting!!!! I like how you've taken the time to explain your beliefs. I think it's very interesting and thanks for sharing that.

    Happy TT- Jessica The Rock Chick

  52. Well, I work online which is why I spend many hours at my PC. I also love writing (I'm an aspiring author), blogging and emailing :)

  53. Anonymous30/4/07 10:47

    Whoah!! Based on all you've listed here - 24/7 aint enough!! :) But I do understand. I could spend all day in front of my pc too. :)


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Thanks for visiting.
Love, Tink