Saturday, October 28, 2006
Health update
Thursday, October 26, 2006
TT #13: Halloween
Thirteen facts about Halloween
used sources: ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Tracie ~*~ crayonsetc ~*~ Chelle Y. ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Mysterious Lady ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ The Mistress of The Dark ~*~ Caylynn ~*~ Katia ~*~ Carmen ~*~ Ghost ~*~ ali ~*~ Chaotic Mom ~*~ Jane ~*~ Hails ~*~ Darla ~*~ Eagle Lover ~*~ Judy Callarman ~*~ The Imperfect Christian ~*~ ren.kat ~*~ Cheysuli ~*~ le laquet ~*~ Uisce ~*~ tiggerprr ~*~ peppylady ~*~ Annie ~*~ Kukka-Maria ~*~ Melissa ~*~ Tammy ~*~ Haley-O ~*~ BecK ~*~ sam ~*~ K T cat ~*~ Di ~*~ Sparky ~*~ L.L.Barkat ~*~ crse ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Sarcoidosis it is
Yesterday evening Wonder and I meditated for half an hour. I was floating and swimming in a clear blue sea with the sun shining from above, nice and comfortable. At one time I was a dolphin, wow! Afterwards I felt so much better, more at ease. I'm going to do it more often.
Friday, October 20, 2006
I have to visit more specialists and do more tests a.s.a.p. and at the end of next week I get the "verdict". For now I have Diclofenac against the pain and inflammations, and another medicine to prevent stomach problems.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
TT #12: frustration
Thirteen frustrations I run into at the moment (Please bear with me, I really need to blow off steam...)
Did you come this far?? Wow, thank you for putting up with my rant! It feels good to do that though, really needed that. Don't worry, I know it's not all this dark. There are worse things, a lot of them. I'm just not having the time of my life at the moment... But as always, I'll scramble to my feet again and survive! :-) ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Peppylady ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ Silver ~*~ Caylynn ~*~ Eveline ~*~ Katia ~*~ Carmen ~*~ Shannon ~*~ K T Cat ~*~ Cheysuli ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Sparky ~*~ Chaotic Mom ~*~ Judy Callarman ~*~ Darla ~*~ Uisce ~*~ Bubba ~*~ the superstar ~*~ Duchess ~*~ Mistress of the Dark ~*~ Twyla ~*~ Tiggerprr ~*~ Susan ~*~ Turtles ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
In the meantime I can't do a lot. It's driving me crazy!! I had to pass on the Lucie Silvas concert last Thursday and cancel aquaspinning for the second time. Ron has to help me out around the house and Wonder has helped a lot also. Still, it's frustrating! I want to be there for Ron and now he has to do things all the time: walk the dogs, run the house. I know I can't help it, but... grrrrrrrr!
Monday evening Wonder and I went to a lecture / presentation by Anodea Judith at Selexyz Scheltema in Almere. She is an authority on chakra psychology and has written several very good books about it. She is in Europe to promote her newest book, Waking The Global Heart (in Dutch: Hart Voor De Wereld). I'm so glad I went despite my joints, because it was very interesting! You can read all about it on the special website. Anodea is a very nice and friendly woman. Afterwards she signed her books for us. She looked at me and signed mine with "Blessed Be, Anodea Judith". She had seen my pentacle pendant and asked me whether I was pagan. When I confirmed that she told me she's pagan too. I wasn't surprised though, in the presentation and her books were enough hints.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
TT #11: supercharge your life
Thirteen ideas to supercharge your life Yesterday I received this Daily Inspiration by e-mail. There are 13 points so I immediately thought of T13. That wasn't a coincidence in my opinion. I want to share this with you and remind myself! Okay, some are easier said than done, but I'm going to try!
~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Cheryl ~*~ Tug ~*~ Judy Callarman ~*~ Tinker ~*~ Amy ~*~ Shoshana ~*~ Skyelarke ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ Tina ~*~ Caylynn ~*~ Darla ~*~ Carmen ~*~ Christina ~*~ Uisce ~*~ N. Mallory ~*~ scribbit ~*~ Peppylady ~*~ Irish Church Lady ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ Brony ~*~ Shaylondon ~*~ Alethea ~*~ Tiggerprr ~*~ Kailani ~*~ Janene ~*~ crse ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Monday, October 09, 2006
Good news too! I got an e-mail this afternoon that I have won 2 tickets for a Lucie Silvas concert Thursday evening in Paradiso. Yay! I really like her music and she seems to be very good live. I just hope I can sit. :-)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
My path, my faith
I am raised as a Roman Catholic, but I have always missed things in that religion. For example the female aspect of deity: I believe in one God and one Goddess, sometimes acting under different names but all manifestations of the same. Like everything in nature there has to be a balance: the God can't exist without the Goddess and vice versa. Apparently I was thinking about that very early, because my mum told me I had asked my dad when I was in early primary school: "But dad, how do you know God is a man? You've never seen that! Why wouldn't it be a woman?"
I love nature in all its splendour and care deeply for Mother Earth. I cherish every living being big or small. I love animals to the point that I don't kill flies and spiders, but try to get them outside.
From childhood on I have always been interested in spiritual things like meditation, divination and magic. I've read a lot about it and tried some things on my own, but didn't give it a name. Because of personal issues and problems I didn't come to do something with it in a really active way. But right at the moment I needed it, my path unfolded.
When I got access to the internet, a wonderful world of information came within my reach. I started exploring and found sites and forums full of kindred spirits. I discovered the Craft that had everything in it I was looking for: the balance of male and female deity, the spiritual interest and the love of nature. I knew I had a lot to learn, but it felt like coming home. This is what I searched for all along. I've never lost that feeling. I'm happy with my path.
More questions about it? Feel free to ask!
I'd love to read how others came to their path, faith, religion or whatever you want to call it. Leave a comment here or post about it in your own blog and put a link in my comments. You can link to this post, but that isn't necessary. I'm very interested in your stories!
~*~ Judy's faith story (-revisited)
~*~ Wanderer's White Wolf archive
Saturday, October 07, 2006
I'm not alone
the night is yours alone
When you're sure you've had enough
of this life, hang on
Don't let yourself go
'cause everybody cries
and everybody hurts
Sometimes everything is wrong
Now it's time to sing along
When your day is night alone
(hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go
(hold on)
When you think you've had too much
of this life, well hang on
'Cause everybody hurts
Take comfort in your friends
Everybody hurts
Don't throw your hand
Oh, no
Don't throw your hand
If you feel like you're alone
no, no, no, you are not alone
If you're on your own in this life
the days and nights are long
When you think you've had too much
of this life to hang on
Well, everybody hurts
Everybody cries
And everybody hurts sometimes
And everybody hurts sometimes
So, hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on, hold on,
hold on, hold on, hold on
Everybody hurts
You are not alone
written by Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe
performed by REM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
TT #10: witches
Thirteen things people should know about witches
If you have any additional comments or questions, I have Blogger Beta. If you have classic Blogger and don't allow anonymous comments, I can't leave a comment on your blog. I'm sorry! Blogger will fix that later. In the meantime I can recommend Blogger Beta! ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ The Gatekeeper ~*~ Silver ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ Caylynn ~*~ Incog & Nito ~*~ Darla ~*~ Addie ~*~ Velda ~*~ Carmen ~*~ Gattina ~*~ ma ~*~ Skittles ~*~ Mandy ~*~ Peppylady ~*~ The Shrone ~*~ Cheysuli ~*~ Geggie ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ Nikki ~*~ Nicole ~*~ Whiskey ~*~ Duchess ~*~ Brony ~*~ N. Mallory ~*~ Nadiah Alwi ~*~ crse ~*~ Sparky ~*~ The Merry Rose ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ Faerylandmom ~*~ Danielle ~*~ Silent Prayer ~*~ Judy Callarman ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Druid Podcast

Druids have Equinox Ritual. Christians go “undercover” and record the ritual without the Druids knowledge or consent. These include Kirk Cameron from “Growing Pains.”
Christians put recording up on website as a podcast, being blatantly ignorant and full of bigotry.
Download or listen: here (right-click and save link as)
A disrespect to those poor folks out at Ravens Cry Grove, ADF.
I've listened to it and I'm baffled. I hope (and know) these so-called christians are not representative of Christians in general. The Christians I know don't break the law or ridicule another religion, even when they are not that comfortable with it. But I'm not naive either: I know there are groups that do those things... Just one word: sick!