... and lots more! :-) ~*~*~*~ |
Thursday, January 31, 2008
TT #72: in my fridge
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Guided Tour
Friday, January 25, 2008
The odds this would happen were very little (because of his burn-out and depression, and European legislation), but we kept the faith and won! If I ever doubted whether magic works, that's over now.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
TT #71: thirteen titles
Can you guess which books I've read or own? ~*~*~*~ |
Monday, January 21, 2008
Shadow Workshop
Alongside the hard work we had a great time too! It was good to see Phyllis again, to talk to her and work with her. During the first two workshops the groups were large, now we were with only nine (including Phyllis and our "goddess-mother"). Saturday night we did a wonderful ritual. It was the first time we wore our green robes. We also made several shamanic journeys.
We'll hear a.s.a.p. when the initiation will be. We hope in september / october, but it depends on the deadline of Phyllis' new book.
I was home at half past seven last night. I'm exhausted, but that was to be expected. The fabulous weekend was more than worth it!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Driver's license
Ron was very nervous for the test, there was so much depending on it for him. Unfortunately his fear was grounded. Because of Ron's depression there's a very real possibility he can't renew his truck license! The burn-out and anti-depressants are no problem... Ron was devastated to hear that. His license has practical but also emotional value for him, because his father was a truckdriver. So stupid it will be difficult to renew! If he had renewed it before November (before the depression was diagnosed) everything would be fine for 10 years. It's just nor fair! Ron is a very good driver, car or truck. And it's not only me saying that!
Hopefully there is a way to try to prevent all this. Ron's psychiatrist will write a note saying his depression is due to his mother's death and he's doing better already. The anti-depressants have been subscribed because of the burn-out. The examination doctor said that with such a note he would make a chance. So... fingers crossed! If you can send energy, light a candle, etc... Please do so!
Last saturday I wrote and performed a ritual with Wonder at his place for Ron. It was very powerful. In a meditation we struggled with the demons in his head and defeated them. I wrote them down and burned it in the cauldron. Then we meditated on Ron getting better, healthier, working in a job he likes, etc. I carved a green candle and rubbed it with a special oil. I felt a lot better, the trust that everything will be okay is back. Ron has felt something (peace and quiet) too, directly after the ritual.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
TT #70: expensive cities
Want to read more? Go here! ~*~*~*~ |
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
New start
I stepped on the scales last week, I'm back to 100++ kg... I expected that, I knew before I saw the figures. I can't blame anyone but myself. I don't want to linger on blaming myself. I know it so well and it doesn't work.
This new start is different new start than others in the past. I'm not setting any unreachable goals, I don't stop eating, I'm not putting myself on a killer diet. This time I'm doing it the right way. Start eating normally, change habits, stop fooling myself. So far it's going okay. Not perfect, but okay. That's good enough.
Last Thursday I went with Ron to his psychiatrist. She's good. I talked freely and told her about my feelings. She knows enough about eating disorders not to make the classic therapist mistakes, what a relief! She was honest enough to say that she doesn't know whether she can help me. That's fine. If she's willing to give it a try, so am I. This thursday is the next appointment.
COT #9: cats & dogs

is a group of cat lovers
Freyja & Bastet like Foofur and Boris a lot. Especially Bastet, who loves to wash them and sleep closely against them. Maia is curious after the dogs, but still keeps her distance.
Here are some of the many pics of our dogs and cats together:

Thursday, January 03, 2008
TT #69: resolutions again!
I can do this!!! *LOL* ~*~*~*~ |
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year!
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
(Alfred Lord Tennyson)