
Friday, October 07, 2005


Yesterday I had an appointment for another massage at home. Wonderwillow came early and we had Chinese take-away. We decided I'd give him Reiki first, because he had an after-dinner dip. ;-) He had brought some great music (Kitaro I believe), so I was relaxed and started. I did several positions on his head and torso. Next thing I know I was on the floor. I had passed out. I stayed "out" for more than half an hour. Afterwards I felt tired but okay.

It was a very long time ago I had a blackout like this, at least two years or something. I've had them irregularly since my teens; sometimes 3 in a month and then a few months none. It started after I got an elbow against my head in the pool, but no-one knows whether that is the cause. It has happened in all kinds of circumstances. I have consulted several specialists, but they didn't find anything wrong that could cause these blackouts. They are kind of strange. Without any warning I pass out. Most of the time I hear what is happening around me, but I don't react to anything. Vital signs are okay: pulse, breathing, heart, blood pressure, etc. It even happened in a hospital once, so the doctors could examine things right away. Again nothing...

I hope this time it was an incident and the blackouts stay away again. I feel sorry for Wonderwillow, I must have given him a real fright! In the past I warned people about my blackouts, but I really thought I was over them so I hadn't thought about it.


  1. I hope your ok. Have you thought to have your blood sugar checked? Is there any conncetion with food? YOu said you had take out. Was there MSG in it? Take care and feel better.

  2. Anonymous9/10/05 20:38

    I know the husband of a friend has a form of epilepsy where he does not move and cramp, but kind of passes out ..

  3. Thanks girls! Don't worry, I feel better now.
    Blood sugar, epilepsy, connection with food, my period... all checked thoroughly but negative.

  4. hello from ~GG~

  5. Pfoeh, lees het nu pas :o(

    Kan me nog herinneren dat je flauw was gevallen in A'dam, ik schok me wild.

    Gelukkig gaat het nu weer beter me je!

    Mail je snel! Promised ;o)

    Liefs, kus en knuffs
    voor jou en je wederhelft!

    Sophy en Denice

  6. Ja hoor, het gaat wel weer. Gisteren heb ik opnieuw Reiki gegeven en een massage ontvangen. :-)
    Tot mails, ben benieuwd hoe het gaat.
    Liefs, kus en knuffels terug!

  7. Wat eng om zo'n blackout te krijgen zeg!
    Het kan ook niet in verband staan met je schildklier? Want daar had je toch ook last van?
    Ik hoop dat je er geen last meer van hebt...

  8. wow tink,

    Dat klinkt best griezelig, een half uur lijkt me echt een eeuwigheid op zo'n moment.

    Ik hoop dat je er ooit achter komt wat het nou is en dat je er misschien van af kunt komen.

    En een dikke knuffel voor Wonder die zich vast rot is geschrokken!



  9. @Nathalitanis: De echte schildklierproblemen zijn een jaar of 4-5 geleden begonnen, de blackouts zijn er al veel langer. Helemaal uit te sluiten is het echter niet; misschien is het ook een combinatie van meerdere factoren.

    @Sonja: Dank je, ik hoop het ook! Misschien tot zaterdag en anders volgende week?

  10. I had a couple blackouts similar to yours when I was in my 20's... the doctors never did figure out why. Luckily it hasn't happened since then. Hope all is well with you!


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Love, Tink