New Year's Resolutions are the curse of the modern calendar. Our calendar is not in rhythm with the natural world; we have not had a timekeeping system in sync with the cosmos and nature for centuries. Our intentions are honorable, but our timing stinks. The right timing for new beginnings is at the spring equinox: to innovate, target our goals, and just do it. From Winter Solstice on December 21st until Spring Equinox on March 19th, it's time to reflect, slow down, and hibernate... let the old disintegrate and die while the embryonic seed energy builds up for sowing new and wonderful things at the natural spring New Year. ©2003 by Joyce Mason
~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ N. Mallory ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ Skittles ~*~ Di ~*~ Mike ~*~ Darla ~*~ busy91 ~*~ My Twenty Cents Keeps Moving ~*~ DK Raymer ~*~ candyminx ~*~ she ~*~ Norma ~*~ Sparky Duck ~*~ Laura ~*~ Erika ~*~ SciFiChick ~*~ Laughing Muse ~*~ Kim Priestap ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ Stacy ~*~ Maggie ~*~ Tisha ~*~ elementaryhistoryteacher ~*~ Cheryl ~*~ Desert Songbird ~*~ Christine ~*~ Bond ~*~ Teena ~*~ Dawn ~*~ peppylady ~*~ Caylynn ~*~ Mert ~*~ Gina ~*~ Jenny Ryan ~*~ amy ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Thursday, December 28, 2006
TT #22: resolutions
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Miss you, mum...
You said when you'd die
That you'd walk with me every day
And I'd start to cry and say
And I'd start to cry and say
Please don't talk that way
With the blink of an eye
The Lord came and asked you to leave
You went to a better place
But it stole you away from me
And now she lives in heaven
But I know they let her out
To take care of me
There's a strange kind of light
Caressing me tonight
Pray silence my fear she is near
Bringing heaven down here
I miss your love I miss your touch
But I'm feeling you every day
And I can almost hear you say
'You've come a long way baby'
And now you live in heaven
But I know they let you out
To take care of me
There's a strange kind of light
In my bedroom tonight
Pray silence my fear she is near
Bring your heaven down here
You taught me kings and queens
While stroking my hair
In my darkest hour I know you are there
Kneeling down beside me
Whispering my prayer
Yes there's a strange kind of light
Caressing me tonight
Pray silence my fear she is near
Bringing heaven down here
The next time that we meet
I will bow at her feet
And say wasn't life sweet
Then we'll prepare
To take heaven down there
( - R.P. Williams)
Monday, December 25, 2006
Yule on the Brookberg
Last weekend Wonder and I celebrated Yule on the Brookberg. We were there last June for Midsummer, this time for the opposite side of the wheel of the year: Midwinter. The country estate in winter is different, but beautiful nevertheless.
When we arrived nobody was there, so we couldn't park the car inside. We put it outside and crawled under de barrier. We took a long walk around the lake, the scenery is amazing. By the time we got back, others had arrived and we could pitch the tent. We were the only ones sleeping in a tent. We had brought a heater and plenty of blankets, so we wouldn't get cold at night. Wonder decorated the tent; we had our own cosy place to stay.
It was good to be there again. The place has something calming, you just don't want to rush anymore. Most of the people we already knew, some were new to us. Renée had come and to our surprise two other friends we didn't expect were there, a nice surprise. The group felt warm and close.
We cast the circle next to a willow tree near the lake, a very special place. The cattle felt attracted and came close too. The weather was cold but not freezing and it stayed dry all weekend. In the morning a thick fog was almost hiding the lake. Somewhat later I took this picture, which I have as my desktop background now.
Saturday afternoon the group built the sweat lodge and prepared everything for the fire. For the stone ceremony everyone took two big stones to put in the fire and later heat the sweat lodge. The first stone was charged with a wish/intention for yourself, the second one for a group of people that could use some extra good intentions. Without knowing it Wonder and I had chosen the same people for our second stone: a dear friend of us and her family. She is twice blessed. :-)
After something warm to drink we prepared for the sweat lodge itself. At first it was a bit chilly in the nude, but that changed very quickly. It was very hot, but I enjoyed it as much as the first time. Ben2Bears thanked Mother Earth and spoke about the meaning of Yule.
Then we each told why we were there and with what intention. I was there to go back inside and make contact with myself again, learn to accept and honour myself. It's a big issue, I've been struggling with it all my life and it won't be done at once. But I want to think of myself as important and worthy as I think of others. Pfew...
In the sweat lodge I lost track of time, but afterwards I heard we had stayed there for 45 minutes. It was a special and magical experience once more.
After the sweat lodge ritual it was time for dinner. Boy, was I hungry (and thirsty)! Everyone had made or bought something, so there was more than enough. I tasted a little bit of everything, yummy! After dinner we sat and talked amongst ourselves.
Late at night we went outside for a drum circle around the fire. Wonder and I didn't drum this time, but we enjoyed the sound of the others on a blanket near the fire. The group was called inside just when the fire was at its best, pity! Inside we did a crystal ceremony. It was wonderful, but during the meditation I dozed off and almost fell asleep. Oops! Not that strange though as it was near 2am already.
When we went to the tent, the generator was off but it was still warm inside. We were very tired so it didn't take too long to fall asleep. I haven't been cold at all and I slept great! Around 5am I had to walk to the toilet inside the building; that was cold but back in bed I was warm again quickly. The alarm went off at 9am, but we stayed in bed and slept a little longer. We were last at the breakfast table.
Some people had already gone home. Renée had left saturday night, because her hubby has the flu. Others left after breakfast. The remaining people cleared away the mess. Next we closed the circle to end our gathering. It has been a splendid weekend!
When we arrived nobody was there, so we couldn't park the car inside. We put it outside and crawled under de barrier. We took a long walk around the lake, the scenery is amazing. By the time we got back, others had arrived and we could pitch the tent. We were the only ones sleeping in a tent. We had brought a heater and plenty of blankets, so we wouldn't get cold at night. Wonder decorated the tent; we had our own cosy place to stay.
It was good to be there again. The place has something calming, you just don't want to rush anymore. Most of the people we already knew, some were new to us. Renée had come and to our surprise two other friends we didn't expect were there, a nice surprise. The group felt warm and close.
We cast the circle next to a willow tree near the lake, a very special place. The cattle felt attracted and came close too. The weather was cold but not freezing and it stayed dry all weekend. In the morning a thick fog was almost hiding the lake. Somewhat later I took this picture, which I have as my desktop background now.
Saturday afternoon the group built the sweat lodge and prepared everything for the fire. For the stone ceremony everyone took two big stones to put in the fire and later heat the sweat lodge. The first stone was charged with a wish/intention for yourself, the second one for a group of people that could use some extra good intentions. Without knowing it Wonder and I had chosen the same people for our second stone: a dear friend of us and her family. She is twice blessed. :-)
After something warm to drink we prepared for the sweat lodge itself. At first it was a bit chilly in the nude, but that changed very quickly. It was very hot, but I enjoyed it as much as the first time. Ben2Bears thanked Mother Earth and spoke about the meaning of Yule.
Then we each told why we were there and with what intention. I was there to go back inside and make contact with myself again, learn to accept and honour myself. It's a big issue, I've been struggling with it all my life and it won't be done at once. But I want to think of myself as important and worthy as I think of others. Pfew...
In the sweat lodge I lost track of time, but afterwards I heard we had stayed there for 45 minutes. It was a special and magical experience once more.
After the sweat lodge ritual it was time for dinner. Boy, was I hungry (and thirsty)! Everyone had made or bought something, so there was more than enough. I tasted a little bit of everything, yummy! After dinner we sat and talked amongst ourselves.
Late at night we went outside for a drum circle around the fire. Wonder and I didn't drum this time, but we enjoyed the sound of the others on a blanket near the fire. The group was called inside just when the fire was at its best, pity! Inside we did a crystal ceremony. It was wonderful, but during the meditation I dozed off and almost fell asleep. Oops! Not that strange though as it was near 2am already.
When we went to the tent, the generator was off but it was still warm inside. We were very tired so it didn't take too long to fall asleep. I haven't been cold at all and I slept great! Around 5am I had to walk to the toilet inside the building; that was cold but back in bed I was warm again quickly. The alarm went off at 9am, but we stayed in bed and slept a little longer. We were last at the breakfast table.
Some people had already gone home. Renée had left saturday night, because her hubby has the flu. Others left after breakfast. The remaining people cleared away the mess. Next we closed the circle to end our gathering. It has been a splendid weekend!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Happy Yule by Dusty
On The Dusty Millers LiveWood Site I found two wonderful (You Tube) Yule blessings. I thought I'd share them with you by giving the link. Enjoy!
While you're there check out the rest of the website and the blog of Dusty Miller the 13th. His Season's Greeting shows a beautiful and impressive tree, I love it! I've met Dusty when he was in Amsterdam in April this year. He did a walk-and-talk in the Vondelpark, which I enjoyed very much. I'd love to go to "his" wood and visit the ancient trees there.
While you're there check out the rest of the website and the blog of Dusty Miller the 13th. His Season's Greeting shows a beautiful and impressive tree, I love it! I've met Dusty when he was in Amsterdam in April this year. He did a walk-and-talk in the Vondelpark, which I enjoyed very much. I'd love to go to "his" wood and visit the ancient trees there.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
TT #21: Yule
~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Amy C. ~*~ Jamie ~*~ Darla ~*~ Skittles ~*~ Caylynn ~*~ Carmen ~*~ Laura ~*~ Le laquet ~*~ Shannon ~*~ Sanni ~*~ colleenR ~*~ Mikala ~*~ ChupieandJ'smama ~*~ Sweet Kitty ~*~ scooper ~*~ Starrlight ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ The Shrone ~*~ mar ~*~ Zeus ~*~ noladawn ~*~ Amy ~*~ Susan Helene Gottfried ~*~ Kukka-Maria ~*~ busy91 ~*~ Terri ~*~ peppylady ~*~ JennIAm ~*~ Sparky Duck ~*~ Judy Callarman ~*~ Gina ~*~ Caledonia ~*~ Cheryl ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Home cleansing
Ever since Ron and I have moved into our present home I have been planning to do a house cleansing. During the rebuilding I put a blessing in one of the walls downstairs, but never came to do more. It is an old house (1918) and a lot of people have lived here before us. It has been a dairy shop and later several families lived in 3 apartments.
I have noticed other energies in our home from the beginning, especially upstairs. Although Ron and I are very happy with the house and with each other, there was something about it that made me feel tired, uncomfortable. Wonder noticed it too when he stayed here. We planned to do the cleansing together. First we wanted to do it when Ron wasn't there (he doesn't like the smell of incense), but since Ron is still home from work we decided to do it yesterday evening.
We cast a circle, lit candles and burnt an incense mixture of Californian sage, Palo Santo, patchouli and sandalwood in an Abalone shell. I took a white candle to bring the light, Wonder took the shell and a feather to move the smoke around. Together we went to every room in the house to remove old energies and residue of past emotions, and to recharge with love and light. We moved on when it felt right. In the bedroom I got shivers, burps and felt sick. Wonder had a similar experience. We both felt a negative force and saw/knew what had happened in that room. Let me just tell you it wasn't very nice... It took some extra effort to get rid of it, but afterwards it felt better. Wonder smudged the room, bed and my dreamcatcher. Then we went downstairs. That felt better, probably because it is all changed and new. We opened windows, put on all the lights and let the candles burn. We closed the circle. It was a tiring experience and we both needed something to drink and eat.
It's a bit early to draw any conclusion, but the house feels a lot better. I slept remarkably well last night. Even Ron mentioned he wasn't wet of sweat when he woke up. I hope it continues to feel this way!
I have noticed other energies in our home from the beginning, especially upstairs. Although Ron and I are very happy with the house and with each other, there was something about it that made me feel tired, uncomfortable. Wonder noticed it too when he stayed here. We planned to do the cleansing together. First we wanted to do it when Ron wasn't there (he doesn't like the smell of incense), but since Ron is still home from work we decided to do it yesterday evening.
We cast a circle, lit candles and burnt an incense mixture of Californian sage, Palo Santo, patchouli and sandalwood in an Abalone shell. I took a white candle to bring the light, Wonder took the shell and a feather to move the smoke around. Together we went to every room in the house to remove old energies and residue of past emotions, and to recharge with love and light. We moved on when it felt right. In the bedroom I got shivers, burps and felt sick. Wonder had a similar experience. We both felt a negative force and saw/knew what had happened in that room. Let me just tell you it wasn't very nice... It took some extra effort to get rid of it, but afterwards it felt better. Wonder smudged the room, bed and my dreamcatcher. Then we went downstairs. That felt better, probably because it is all changed and new. We opened windows, put on all the lights and let the candles burn. We closed the circle. It was a tiring experience and we both needed something to drink and eat.
It's a bit early to draw any conclusion, but the house feels a lot better. I slept remarkably well last night. Even Ron mentioned he wasn't wet of sweat when he woke up. I hope it continues to feel this way!
witchy stuff
Thursday, December 14, 2006
TT #20: holiday decorating
~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ Caylynn ~*~ Darla ~*~ Judy Callarman ~*~ Sparky Duck ~*~ Chelle ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ Chickadee ~*~ Danielle ~*~ Lucienne ~*~ Scooper ~*~ Jenny Ryan ~*~ Bubba ~*~ Dragonheart ~*~ Tug ~*~ Terri ~*~ Ivy ~*~ Gina ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Stress and relief
Yesterday Ron had an appointment with his psychologist and later his boss stopped by for a visit. Both went okay but it was a busy and stressful afternoon, so Ron really needed and wanted some distraction. A friend invited us to go to the Comedy Cafe. On Tuesday nights there is Open Podium for stand-up comedians: new talents and professionals that want to try new material. I've been there before and liked it very much. Yesterday was a great night with mostly good comedians. We enjoyed ourselves and Ron was very relaxed.
We were home around 1am. I was very tired, but felt okay. Before I went to bed I had to go to the toilet. When I was leaving the bathroom I got a black-out and fell on the ground. Ron and Wonder put me into bed. I was away for 15 minutes. When I "woke up" I was even more tired and cold, but Ron was warm and I fell asleep very quickly.
This morning I had to go back to the internist. My blood pressure was 160/100, lower than before but that could be because of my black-out. I can drink all tea flavours again, as long as I keep an eye on the ingredients. I'll have to take a medicine to lower the blood pressure. My thyroid values are fluctuating slightly, I have low ferro values and the sarcoidosis is decreasing. Next appointment at the end of March.
We were home around 1am. I was very tired, but felt okay. Before I went to bed I had to go to the toilet. When I was leaving the bathroom I got a black-out and fell on the ground. Ron and Wonder put me into bed. I was away for 15 minutes. When I "woke up" I was even more tired and cold, but Ron was warm and I fell asleep very quickly.
This morning I had to go back to the internist. My blood pressure was 160/100, lower than before but that could be because of my black-out. I can drink all tea flavours again, as long as I keep an eye on the ingredients. I'll have to take a medicine to lower the blood pressure. My thyroid values are fluctuating slightly, I have low ferro values and the sarcoidosis is decreasing. Next appointment at the end of March.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Yesterday I went to the Midwinterfair, a fantasy/medieval/pagan event in themepark Archeon, with Wonder and his girlfriend. It's a big inside and outside market with shops (stalls), folk concerts, storytellers, workshops, demonstrations, readings, gametournaments, LARP-groups (Live Action Role Playing), etc. in a great setting. The weather had been bad until Friday, but we were lucky; it was not too cold, mostly dry and sometimes even sunny.
We met a lot of friends and acquaintances. I was surprised and happy to see our friend Renée, who had her own booth selling stuff (soap, incense, runes, etc) and promoting Vrouw Holda. Among other things she gives workshops and courses. Wonder and I both picked a rune while asking a question. Her explanation was right to the point and helpful. She made a picture of the three of us. We'll see her again at Yule.
All in all we had a great time. The fair was open until 8pm (we were there at 1pm), so we had time enough to explore. Still we haven't seen everything, but that's okay. Before we left we made some pictures in the brewery in the convent. I posed with a monk. :-)
We met a lot of friends and acquaintances. I was surprised and happy to see our friend Renée, who had her own booth selling stuff (soap, incense, runes, etc) and promoting Vrouw Holda. Among other things she gives workshops and courses. Wonder and I both picked a rune while asking a question. Her explanation was right to the point and helpful. She made a picture of the three of us. We'll see her again at Yule.
All in all we had a great time. The fair was open until 8pm (we were there at 1pm), so we had time enough to explore. Still we haven't seen everything, but that's okay. Before we left we made some pictures in the brewery in the convent. I posed with a monk. :-)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
TT #19: divination
~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ mar ~*~ Darla ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ Caylynn ~*~ Sweet Kitty ~*~ Carmen ~*~ scooper ~*~ Sanni ~*~ Terri ~*~ Judy Callarman ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Nancy ~*~ Sparky Duck ~*~ Wicked Witch ~*~ Sophisticated Writer ~*~ Christine ~*~ Mitch ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ peppylady ~*~ Jenny Ryan ~*~ Twyla ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Lungfunction OK
Today I had to do the lungfunction test and see the lung specialist. I was very nervous and restless. It reminded me of mum, who hated these tests. I've been there with her a zillion times, but never had to do it myself. In a way I think there was some kind of hidden fear also: dad died of cancer that started in the lungs, mum had lungproblems all her life and there are several more relatives with it. I know they all are/were smokers and I never smoked, but still...
I had an appointment at 10.30am, but had to wait for almost an hour! The test itself wasn't that bad, but let's say I understand why mum hated it. I did it wrong a few times, so I had to start over. I got very light-headed and dizzy. After the tests the nurse gave me Ventolin, I had to wait again and then do the tests all over. That didn't make it better, with Ventolin I did worse!
Finally the lungspecialist called me in. He listened to my lungs, looked at my lung scan and went over the test results. Outcome: my lungfunction is good, everything's okay! Pfew....
I had an appointment at 10.30am, but had to wait for almost an hour! The test itself wasn't that bad, but let's say I understand why mum hated it. I did it wrong a few times, so I had to start over. I got very light-headed and dizzy. After the tests the nurse gave me Ventolin, I had to wait again and then do the tests all over. That didn't make it better, with Ventolin I did worse!
Finally the lungspecialist called me in. He listened to my lungs, looked at my lung scan and went over the test results. Outcome: my lungfunction is good, everything's okay! Pfew....
Monday, December 04, 2006
Doesn't the title say it all..? Beware, I'm not in a happy mood...
I've always loved (the time before) Yuletide. Normally my season's greetings would be ready to be send, the ornaments would be unpacked and waiting for the tree. This year I just can't seem to find the spirit. I don't want a tree, I don't want to decorate. I just want to go to sleep and wake up next year. I miss mum, I miss dad. Yes I know, I'll miss them next year too, but this time of year it's just worse. I feel blue, down, hurt.
Has someone seen the Christmas spirit? Please send it over to save me from this feeling...
23.45u I know it's not all this dark. There are things that I do look forward to. I'll just have to make the best of this time. It's okay to feel sad, as long as I stick to that basic positive feeling deep down inside me. Sometimes it's easy to find, sometimes it's a bit harder, but I know it's there!

Has someone seen the Christmas spirit? Please send it over to save me from this feeling...
23.45u I know it's not all this dark. There are things that I do look forward to. I'll just have to make the best of this time. It's okay to feel sad, as long as I stick to that basic positive feeling deep down inside me. Sometimes it's easy to find, sometimes it's a bit harder, but I know it's there!
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