
Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I promised an update... Well... I'm okay, but that's all. My mood varies a lot. Yesterday I had a nice day, today I'm down. The weather is still f***ing hot and I can't stand it. Ron's summer holidays are over. I miss mum, I miss dad. Never thought being an orphan would do so much with me, being 37 and all. I feel so alone and empty.

Doing the financial stuff for my mum feels good, although it's difficult. We'll have to contribute quite an amount of money each. Byebye savings...
Clearing out her flat is another story altogether... I can't take it anymore. I'm so different from the rest, attaching emotional value to just about everything. They are trying to show consideration for me, but don't always succeed. We have clashed a few times already, but hushed up. Ron and I felt rushed. Of course we understand everything must be ready before July 31st, but we can only do so much... Ron is taking over for me in mum's house and I feel guilty about that. The work is hard with these temperatures. I know he does it for me, but he's still not feeling okay himself...



  1. Anonymous20/7/06 03:23

    awww sweetie I wish I could help you out. Here is a suggestion. Just pack everything but the trash into boxes, and bring it home. When things settle down a bit then you can sort it out and keep the things you really want.

  2. Hele dikke knuffel Tink. Hou vol.
    Laat je niet uit het veld slaan door de rest. Neem de tijd ervoor.


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Love, Tink