Pfew, coming up with random things isn't as easy as expected, but I found 13 of them... ;-) ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Robin ~*~ Dewey ~*~ Mark Caldwell ~*~ Courtney ~*~ PussReboots ~*~ Crimson Wife ~*~ Alasandra ~*~ Sue ~*~ Toni ~*~ Wylie Kinson ~*~ Susan Helene ~*~ Ben Clapton ~*~ Cheryl ~*~ Colleen Gleason ~*~ Tilly Greene ~*~ Chelle Y. ~*~ Daisy ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Lene ~*~ Darla ~*~ Nancy Lindquist ~*~ MommyBa ~*~ Gabriella Hewitt ~*~ Lesley Speller ~*~ Samulli ~*~ Mo ~*~ JennieBoo ~*~ Chris ~*~ Starrlight ~*~ Rowena ~*~ SlipOfAGirl ~*~ Danielle ~*~ Lori ~*~ Julie ~*~ Titania Starlight ~*~ Thomas ~*~ Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Thursday, June 28, 2007
TT #46: random things
Monday, June 25, 2007
Brookberg Litha
One by one everyone arrived while we were pitching the tents and unpacking the cars. Mostly well-known faces for Wonder and me; it was great to introduce Ron to them. After all you don't know me completely if you don't know Ron!
Unfortunately I got a blackout and fell down outside. It has been months since I had one. One of the newcomers, Monique, sat beside me and gave me a healing; that felt good. When I came round after a while, I was tired and had a headache as usual. It didn't last very long though. Ben2Bears said it was a blackout on a psychic level, not physical. In the sweatlodge I was able to let go some of the blockade and old remains.
We did the opening circle in a beautiful yellow rapeseed field next to the driveway. B2B explained the meaning of Litha and welcomed everyone. We were blessed with special oil and did an introductory round. The weather was wet and dry, sunny and cloudy in turns. The forecast for the weekend was very bad, but turned out much better than expected. It's a kind of magic...
The group split up into smaller groups for the workshops and sweatlodge. Most workshops seem to be very interesting, but I always choose the sweatlodge. I stood inside when the blankets were put on the lodge to cover it up. Quite the experience (if you're not claustrophobic) to see it get darker until you can't see a thing!
We each blessed two stones, one for ourselves and one for someone else. My first stone had a lot of cracks, so my wish was that my unnecessary resistance in life would crumble away with the breaking of the stone. With the second one I wished healing for Ron, who was standing right beside me. All the stones were piled up, we put wood around them and the fire was lit. We drummed around the fire. I was a bit nervous to use my drum, afraid to do something wrong. Ron is a great drummer, so I let him play it too.
The sweatlodge was very, very, very hot this time, one round with 24 hot stones from the fire. Not everyone could persevere until the end. Ron and Gaialynn left earlier too; Ron didn't have enough space to sit properly, so he couldn't relax enough. Pity! It was tough, but I made it until the end. I could only concentrate on surrendering to the heat and got in a trance. I put my hand on Wonder's back and was allowed to give him a healing. I also saw some of the images he later described. Outside the sweatlodge I had to acclimatize for a while, before I plunged into the lake. Wonder and I swam to the (artificial) swan in the middle of the lake and back. Ashore Ron was waiting with a big towel. It was an unusual sweatlodge session, but special as always.
It had gotten late, so we were quite hungry. Everyone had brought something; Ron and I three different quiches, Gaialynn a huge watermelon and Wonder had made a delicious rice dish. Unfortunately it took a lot of time to get it hot enough to eat, so there was a lot left over. After dinner we just sat and chatted with the others. I really feel at home on that place with that loving group of people, almost like a family. I have tried to explain that to Ron before, but now he was able to experience it for himself. He felt very welcome too.
Later in the evening we gathered around the remains of the fire. It was fanned until the flames burned highly again. Ron and Gaialynn were very tired and decided to skip the drum circle. It took me a while, but I finally got the vibe and played my drum without being nervous. Because Wonder is left-handed and I'm right-handed, the backsides of our drums were facing each other. It was as if they reacted to that and started to "sing" together, a magical moment! We call them brothers now, belonging together. I'm looking forward to the drum circle after the handfasting ceremony in two weeks already!
It was around 2.30am when we finally went to our tents to sleep. I sat outside for a while to enjoy the night. It's such a lovely place with a beautiful charisma, relaxing and soothing. I slept good, although I had to go to the toilet very early. When I went back I stood outside again to absorb the beauty of the early morning.
Ron was up early too; he wanted coffee and a hand-rolled cigarette! The breakfast was very pleasant. We even had caviar! No champagne, but I wouldn't have taken that anyway. :-) There were all kinds of bread and fillings, fruit, etc. Yummy!
After breakfast Francis played Phoenix (his electric guitar). He had warned us not to expect too much, but that was nonsense: he is fabulous! I was impressed and enjoyed it very much. Wonder has recorded some of it on his mobile phone. The music is enchanting, I'd love to have a real CD of it!
Meanwhile Sylvia showed us her selfmade oracle deck. She made the cards with encaustic art. She's trying to get the deck published. I really hope (think) she'll succeed, I will most certainly buy one of the first! Everyone that saw them agreed.
Then it was time to take down the tent, do the closing circle and say our goodbyes...
Another unique, heartwarming and special celebration on the Brookberg...
Thursday, June 21, 2007
TT #45: Litha
Today we celebrate Litha, also known as Midsummer, Summer Solstice, Alban Heruin, Sun Blessing, Feill-Sheathain, Vestalia, Thing-tide, All Couples Day, Feast of Epona, Saint John's Day, Ivan Kupala Day or Gathering Day.
sources: Google, Wikipedia, Witchvox, Midsummer by Anna Franklin. ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ The Gal Herself ~*~ pussreboots ~*~ Lady Rose ~*~ TopChamp ~*~ MommyBa ~*~ Mark Caldwell ~*~ Sue ~*~ Susan Helene ~*~ Joan ~*~ L^2 ~*~ Nancy Bond ~*~ Titania Starlight ~*~ Thorne ~*~ JennyMcB ~*~ The Merry Rose ~*~ Maleah ~*~ Crazy Working Mom ~*~ Mama's Moon ~*~ Mallory ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ Nancy ~*~ Tilly Greene ~*~ Miss Frou Frou ~*~ Mo ~*~ Gabriella Hewitt ~*~ Nancy Lindquist ~*~ Tempest Night ~*~ Lara Croft ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Christine d'Abo ~*~ Fence ~*~ Lesley Speller ~*~ Julia ~*~ Darla ~*~ Callista ~*~ Chelle Y. ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Monday, June 18, 2007
UM week 228

- Riding - horses, linedancing
- Actress -drama, Angelina Jolie
- Flowers - Holland, beautiful in nature not in a vase
- Making - love, creation
- Robot - R2D2, artificial intelligence
- Enjoy - life, smile, happy
- Identify - body, passport
- 22 - master number (numerology)
- Busy - run, stress
- Forward - mail, thinking
If you don't have a blog or website, feel free to play in my comments section!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
We made a stop near Breda to visit Wonder's special tree in the Mastbos. It was raining all day, but when we got out of the car it was dry and even a bit sunny. It is a special tree indeed, magical! A mighty beech, sharing his energy freely. I felt connected with him immediately. We stayed a while, walked around him and sat on the big roots against the trunk. The roots next to me formed a little basin with rainwater. In it I found a little branch. Wonder pointed out another branch, so I took that too. When I dipped it in the basin I knew it was for me, and the other one was for Wonder. We thanked the tree for his special gift to us.
In Tilburg we visited De Malle Heks (the silly witch), a great shop specialized in witchy stuff, fantasy and the like. It was wonderful to look around. We didn't find something for the handfasting, but I did find a little wooden chest. I just couldn't leave it there! :-)
At 4pm Wonder had an appointment with medium Margot Lit of Healingpraktijk Sirius in Eindhoven. She is the wife of Benjamin2Bears and works with drawings and healing. I was allowed to stay during the session and it was very interesting!
Ron had been at Gaialynn's place all day to do some odd jobs. Wonder and I joined him after we had been in Eindhoven. Gaialynn had made dinner and we stayed for a while. Around 10.30pm we drove home after a very tiring but wonderful day!
Friday, June 15, 2007
What a day..!
In the afternoon Wonder called. He had tumbled down the stairs and hurt his back pretty bad. He had managed to get into his bed. I looked at Ron and we decided to drive to The Hague. When we arrived an hour later the doctor was with him. She didn't trust his pain completely, so she called the hospital to make x-rays. He couldn't be carried down on the stretcher because of the steep stairs, so the fire brigade was called to get him through the window with a tower waggon. He is afraid of heights, but luckily it didn't take long. I stayed with him in the ambulance; Ron followed with our car. Thank goodness the x-rays showed no fractures or other severe injuries. He got an injection (pain killer) and we took him home, our home. We arranged a bed for him and he'll stay here for a while. Today it felt a lot better, but it will take some time to heal completely!
Something completely different: Wednesday evening Laura and I went to see Tarzan The Musical in the Fortis Circustheater in Scheveningen. We had great seats with a perfect view to the podium. The show is fabulous!!! I loved it and enjoyed every minute of it. The music by Phil Collins is beautiful, the scenery and costumes amazing, the cast marvellous; all simply the best!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
TT #44: online communities
Feel free to contact me or add me as a friend/buddy/etc.! ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Mark Caldwell ~*~ Dewey ~*~ Crimson Wife ~*~ Lene ~*~ Mama Kelly ~*~ Susan Helene ~*~ Cordia Amant ~*~ Thomma Lyn ~*~ Wylie Kinson ~*~ Michelle Pillow ~*~ Raven ~*~ Nicholas ~*~ Darla ~*~ Mo ~*~ Lara Croft ~*~ Tempest Knight ~*~ anonymous ~*~ SciFiChick ~*~ Starrlight ~*~ Tilly Greene ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ Dane Bramage ~*~ Janet ~*~ Julia ~*~ Lesley Speller ~*~ Danielle ~*~ pussreboots ~*~ PJ ~*~ Nancy ~*~ julia ~*~ Debbie Mumford ~*~ Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Unconscious Mutterings
Free association is described as a "psycho-analytic procedure in which a person is encouraged to give free rein to his or her thoughts and feelings, verbalizing whatever comes into the mind without monitoring its content." Over time, this technique is supposed to help bring forth repressed thoughts and feelings that the person can then work through to gain a better sense of self.
That's an admirable goal, but for the purposes of this exercise, we're just hoping to have a little fun with the technique. Each week LunaNina will post ten words to which you can respond to with the first thing that comes to mind.
"Rules are, there are no rules." There are no right or wrong answers. Don't limit yourself to one word responses; just say everything that pops into your head. AND you don't have to have your words up on Sunday. Take all week if you want! Read the FAQ for more information.
- Acoustic - guitar
- Sanity - lost, insanity
- Mambo - Jumbo, dance, no 5
- Session - jazz, radio
- Hound - of the Baskervilles
- Cat - me, love, familiar
- Coward - hide, afraid
- Trunk - tree, mess
- Hold me - hug, love, safe
- Psychological - disorder, trauma
Monday, June 11, 2007
Ara Lowlands
We met in the afternoon to make a start with our own robes. We all bought 4 meters of unbleached cotton. Most of us never made any clothing ourselves; we'd better use cheap fabric the first time. Liza offered to help us; she is trained and has a lot of experience, so we gladly accepted! Sewing isn't (and will probably never be...) a hobby of mine, but through making my own ritual robe by hand I'm putting my personal energy into it. That's valuable and important to me. The process is a great way of team building too. It was fun to be busy with it together. Liza helped us measure and cut the cotton and told us how to proceed. At the beginning of the evening the robes were put together with basting-thread. At home we'll do the stitching and hems.
All the work had made us very hungry! We got ourselves Indonesian takeaway at Murni Permai on the other side of the street. I had a lot of food with beautiful exotic names for just € 8,- and it was very yummy!! I couldn't even eat all of it, so I gave Sorcha my leftovers to put together with hers for the next day.
In the evening we cast the circle from hand to hand. We sent energy around the circle and although we were only with five it was very powerful. By doing some exercises we worked towards creating a "Cone of Power" by dancing around, chanting and drumming. We directed the energy into a bowl of water in the middle of our circle. Then we each drank some of it and offered the rest to Mother Earth. After grounding and opening the circle we did some scrying (water in a dark bowl). I couldn't concentrate myself fully because of some back pain, so I'll give it a try another time.
Afterwards we discussed other important stuff about the group, the next meeting, etc. I agreed to set up a Google group, where we can mail and file things. I did it yesterday, but it will need some additional fine-tuning.
Close to midnight we said our goodbyes and left. I travelled by public transport and was home around 1am.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
TT #43: Google services
The great thing about Google services is that they integrate perfectly with each other; one account covers it all. Can you tell I'm a Google fan? :-) (TT-Google graphic again courtesy of Emily) ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Samulli ~*~ Burnt Offerings ~*~ Christine d'Abo ~*~ Alasandra ~*~ Samantha Lucas ~*~ Gabriella Hewitt ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ Mo ~*~ Darla ~*~ Lesley ~*~ ladynred ~*~ Nads ~*~ Julia ~*~ Tempest Knight ~*~ Lori ~*~ Crowwoman ~*~ Stephanie ~*~ Starrlight ~*~ SciFiChick ~*~ The Rock Chick ~*~ L^2 ~*~ Emma ~*~ SusieJ ~*~ Mark Caldwell ~*~ Miss Frou Frou ~*~ Susan Helene ~*~ Titania Starlight ~*~ Julia ~*~ Crimson Wife ~*~ Fence ~*~ Lara Croft ~*~ Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
What if...
Today a year ago was the day of my mother's surgery. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I remember it like it was yesterday. I talked to her very early in the morning, then the waiting, the surgeon's phonecall, the dismay I felt... well, everything.
The "what if..."-question started bugging me again. What if they hadn't done that surgery, would she still be alive today? Her condition was severe. The valve had to be replaced and they had to do it a.s.a.p. because otherwise her lungs wouldn't be able to withstand surgery. We were told there was no immediate danger of life though... What if... *sigh* Nobody knows the answer or will ever know it... And when the answer would be yes, how would her quality of life be..? I've really got to stop making myself crazy with those questions.
Miss you mum..!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Weigh In
- Apr. 3 (my start): 110.2 kg - 46% fat - BMI 36.8
- May 1 (10:4 start): 104.9 kg - 45% fat - BMI 35
- June 5 (1st update): 99.3 kg - 43% fat - BMI 33.2
Yayyyyyyyyy, I'm under 100 kg!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***happy dance***
It hasn't been easy. It still isn't, but then again no-one promissed it would be... I try to exercise as much as I can on my Health Walker and outdoors. I watch what I eat, although I don't have 'forbidden' food. If I really crave 'bad' things I allow myself to take some, but most of the time I take something healthier instead.
My goal for June: at the very least stay under 100 but aiming for 95!
(1 kg = 2.205 lbs)
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Skype ritual
Wonder is loved by his friends, but he hasn't found his significant other yet. He misses her before he even knows her... It hurts to see him this lonely, so I decided to ask the Gods for help. I meditated on it and got the answers I needed. I wrote a ritual from the heart with a love spell. I don't do spells "to get a lover back" or "to make someone love a certain other" or something like that. I think love spells are okay as long as nobody is forced, harmed or binded to anything though. It's a challenge to find the right words. I added some beautiful images and printed the file for myself.
Later I was talking with Wonder by Skype. I sent him the ritual and he was touched. We decided to do the ritual together. We each made arrangements on our own side. I forgot to take pictures of it, but luckily Wonder took this one. I was a bit too far from the microphone. Therefore we didn't perform completely synchronous, but that's fine. It felt very powerful, I think the universe got our message loud and clear. Let's hope we'll see the result soon...