Friday, August 31, 2007
Active... who? me?
In my dream tonight I was indefatigable, had lots and lots of energy. I did all the things listed in my activities TT yesterday and I felt so happy! Then I awoke and felt the fatigue... What a disappointment! I cried and knew in an instant what was wrong yesterday.
During the day I read TT's, the comments on mine, added the links to my post. Each time I was confronted with the activities I love, but most of them aren't within my reach anymore. I just don't have the energy. Yes, I'm doing what I can, even more sometimes but that's a choice. It's just... the bother, the pain and effort to do things has replaced the ease and happiness I formerly felt. The sadness I feel about that took me by surprise. I still want so much! I refuse to accept this fatigue will never go away, although that's what I'm told. I can't give up hope, I don't want to! I won't, but sometimes I just have to cry...
REM is singing to me right now, can't be coincidence: "Well, everybody hurts sometimes, everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes. And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on..."
Thursday, August 30, 2007
TT #54: activities
My main reason for doing all this has always been to have fun. The fanatic sporting took a high in my eating disordered years. Of course it helps to lose weight and it is better for my health, but if I don't enjoy it I won't persevere. ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! |
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Cats On Tuesday # 1: Maia is tired
is a group of cat lovers
Maia is finding her place in our household. She's feeling at home and seems to be content with where she ended up. ;-) She knows the other cats and the dogs are higher in the hierarchy, but she likes to try them out anyway. She is very playful. Between all that she still needs a lot of sleep:
Monday, August 27, 2007
Busy Bee
Saturday was Gaialynn's birthday. At first we wanted to surprise her, but we decided not to take the risk to drive all the way for nothing. We called her to tell we were coming to Den Bosch. First we had to pick up the car of Wonder's brother near Breda, so he'd have a car to do his job for a few days. Then we went to Gaialynn's. Her kids had given her a new kitten for her birthday (smart kids!), such a cutie! So small even Maia would look big next to him. Towards the evening I took a long nap on Gaialynn's bed, so I could stay longer. Ron and I were home around midnight.
Sunday morning I stayed in bed until late and decided to have a quiet day. Well, decided... My body ordered me to. ;-)
This morning I had a meeting of the advisory panel of the empirical experts pool of the Client Concerns Bureau of De Geestgronden (mental health service organization). I hope you can follow and understand that; hard to translate! Tonight I'll have another meeting: this time of the pet shelter committee. Pfew... I think it will be an early night for me!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Here are the rules:

I'm using the first letter of my real name.
1. Famous Singer: Céline Dion
2. Four letter word: care
3. Street: Coronation street
4. Colour: cobalt
5. Gifts/Presents: chocolate
6. Vehicle: car
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: cards
8. Boy name: Colin
9. Girl Name: Cynthia
10. Movie Title: Close Encounters of the Third Kind
11. Drink: Coca-Cola Zero
12. Occupation: coroner
13. Celebrity: Charlie Chaplin
14. Magazine: Cosmopolitan
15. U.S. City: Chicago
16. Pro Sports: Champ Car World Series (form. CART)
17. Fruit: cherry
18. Reason for Being Late for Work: caught in traffic jam
19. Something You Throw Away: clutter
20. Things You Shout: cut!
21. Cartoon Character: Captain Caveman
Pfew, I did it!
Wanna play? Consider yourself tagged!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
TT #53: Maia
Hi there! My name is Maia! I'm the newest kitty addition to the household. If you missed my introduction, you can read it under this post or here. Mommy Tink is taking soooo many pics of me; it's time to share the 13 me, myself and I like best! (if you click on a picture, you'll get a new window with the big version of the picture) I hope you liked my picture show! ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
Monday, August 20, 2007
Meet... Maia!

Let me introduce to you, the newest member of our family since yesterday.... Maia! She is around 3 months old, born in May and named after the goddess Maia, the most beautiful of The Pleiades and goddess of spring & fresh beginnings.
It wasn't planned to have another kitten, but as usual with cats coming to us it just happened this way. She was taken in by friends of us, but they went on vacation shortly after. In those two weeks I cared for the little kitty and of course grew attached to her. When our friends came home, they realized a kitten is nothing for them. They called Ron and in the end he decided to give her to me as an early birthday present!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I've often dreamed about highschool (VWO, 6 years). I've had a wonderful time at school, except for the last year. My fear of failure got worse with all the exams and my black-outs started after a concussion I got in the swimming pool. The dreams are always about this last year: I have an exam and don't remember anything about the subject; it is the first day of that last year and I don't have books or I am too late, etc. You get the picture. Tonight I dreamed I was late for the first day again. I didn't have books, couldn't find my school supplies, didn't know my schedule, etc. I felt very anxious to put it mildly. Suddenly I calmed down and started thinking: 'what is this? why am I doing this? feeling this? I already have my VWO diploma! I've had this before and it is nonsens. Stop it!' And then my dream ended...
I hope this is my last dream about this subject. If it isn't, I hope I can redo what I did in the dream last night!
I often dream about my parents: sometimes in the present with a message, sometimes about the present and they are still alive, but mostly about times when they were still alive. Last night I dreamed I was in my parental home, the one where I've lived for years. I was downstairs, not sure what I was doing, I was the age I am now. I was waiting for mum and dad to come down or come home, something like that. Suddenly I got thinking: 'is this real? it feels strange!' and then I realized: 'they won't show up! is mum dead? or dad? or... both? oh no, they are both dead!' The world around me faded away and I felt sooo sad... Then I woke up crying.
I love dreams about my parents, but not this one! I don't know what to think of it.
Friday, August 17, 2007
I wish..! :-)
You Should Be a Film Writer |
![]() You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind. You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life. Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling. And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen! |
Thursday, August 16, 2007
TT #52: Binge Eating Disorder
Yesterday I told my story about eating disorders in a follow-up meeting of a group of women who have been suffering from Binge Eating Disorder.
If you think you might have binge eating disorder, it is important to know that you are not alone. Most people who have the disorder have tried but failed to control it on their own. You may want to get professional help. Talk to your health care provider about the type of help that may be best for you. The good news is that most people do well in treatment and can overcome binge eating for good! sources: SABN (Dutch foundation of Eating Disorders), ED Referral,, Weight-control Information Network, Healthier You ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
Monday, August 13, 2007
I finally found time to finish my posts about Anno Domini and Castlefest, so have a look!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Castlefest 2007
The weather was great, sunny and warm. I´ve made several rounds to see all the booths and had a great time. I didn´t buy much though. Early when we arrived I had seen lovely wings, made of feathers from different birds. At the end of the day I bought the wing with pheasant feathers. On the big podium there were performances by Rapalje, Faun, The Mediaeval Babes and Omnia. At the end of the evening they were all performing together, that was great! During the last performance of Omnia the Wickerman (or in this case Wickerwoman) was burned. Read about the meaning of burning a wickerman here. I made a movie of it with my camera, but it's too big to upload to YouTube. Other movies: YouTube.
You can see pics on the following links:
Castlefest gallery
Arne de Laat
Berry van Tuijl
Celtic Satyr
Connie van Hal
Jolanda van Tuijl
Jos Braal (password: enjoy!)
Marcel Bakker
Renate Egberts
Will Stavik (Ron & I are on IMG_0999)
Thursday, August 02, 2007
TT #51: Dutch provinces
This week I decided to teach you a geography (and a bit of history) lesson about my country.
See a more detailed map here. If you follow the blue line from Amsterdam to the coast (the North Sea Channel) my place of residence IJmuiden is on the end. Of course there's sooooooo much more to tell about each of the provinces with their own unique qualities, but right know I just wanted you to know about the mere existence. :-) If you want to explore, go to Wikipedia for a list of figures and more info! ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Weigh In 3
- April 3 (my start): 110.2 kg - 46% fat - BMI 36.8
- May 1 (10:4 start): 104.9 kg - 45% fat - BMI 35
- June 5 (1st update): 99.3 kg - 43% fat - BMI 33.2
- July 3 (2nd update): 97.5 kg - 41% fat - BMI 32.6
- Aug. 1 (3rd update): 93.5 kg - 42% fat - BMI 31.2