Friday, April 25, 2008
I'll be back, I just thought I'd let you know!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
COT #13: Meet Bagheera!

Bagheera had also been declawed and it was the intention of her owners to keep her as a pet. As usually happens, this plan just didn’t work out. When they moved, they had no room for their leopards. How sad that people refuse to think of the long term consequences of impulsive decisions like buying an exotic animal to raise as a pet. It rarely works out for the owners, and definitely not for the animals involved. Though she was bottle fed, she is definitely not tame enough to handle safely.
Luckily, Big Cat Rescue was able to rescue these leopards. It was thought that Bagheera may have been pregnant when she arrived, but she was not. She has always had a very large growth in her belly region giving her the appearance of being pregnant. With her large belly and tiny, laid back ears, she is definitely not the most attractive leopard you will ever see, but Adonnis loves her dearly. It was a wonderful day when they were reintroduced to life together. Captivity is lonely enough without someone with whom to share your days...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Busy, busy weekend
We made a journey with the purpose to ask the Moon Goddess what we need in the near future. To me it was as if she talked to me from the moon down. I was restless and she calmed me down with her voice. She smiled and suddenly I saw my mum and dad approaching. We hugged and cried from happiness to see each other. It felt so good to be with them, really feel them. We walked along the beach together and then to my meditation spot. Mum and dad sat down and I curled up in front of them in fetus position. Dad sat by my head and mum by my legs. I felt their love and warmth surround me. It was like they were all around me, forming a cocoon of loving energy around me. I felt so good, safe and secure. They whispered to me: stop pushing yourself, take rest when you need it, listen to your body, take care of yourself, we are proud of you, we are always with you. I just relaxed and enjoyed being there. Together we walked back. I didn't want to say goodbye, but I had to. They said it wasn't a farewell, because I can always come back to them whenever I need it.
After a while I returned in the temple, where I just sat and reflected on that wonderful journey. For the cake & wine we used the charged water and mooncookies. We thanked the elements, I thanked the Moon Goddess, we opened the circle from hand to hand deosil, clockwise (normally we do it widdershins, anti-clockwise). We walked down the hill and returned to our own homes.
Saturday Ron and I went to the Elf Fantasy Fair on the grounds of Castle De Haar in Haarzuilens. Every year in April since 2001, around 25,000 people from all over Europe come to this fantasy event which includes fantasy, medieval and witchcraft. Two-third of the visitors transform themselves into orcs, magicians, witches, dragons, knights, vampires, elves, unicorns or a combination of these. There was a lot to see, to do and to buy! We had a great day.
I bought a book featuring the art of Peter Pracownik, who has a remarkable knowledge of myths and legends, especially when it concerns Celts, Saxons and King Arthur. This knowledge has been a huge influence on his art work. It has an aura of magic, enigma and mystery; full of legend and lore. Peter’s work is used for cards, posters, cd covers (Blackmore’s Night), band t-shirts (Grateful Dead), Tarot decks and more. I have his LOTR Tarot. I have always loved a certain pentagram art image, but I didn't know Peter made it! I bought a card and a little tile of it. Peter signed my book.
Sunday we were up early to go to Wonder in Rijen, where we would have a meeting with the team organising the Beltane 2008 celebration. It was a good meeting and we dotted the i's and crossed the t's. We are really looking forward to the gathering!
In the afternoon Ron and I drove with Wonder to Leiden. We were invited to a book presentation of "Het Heksenhuis" by Jacqueline Zirkzee, a historic novel about witches and witches persecution in the 17th century. I have invited her to our Beltane meeting and she gladly accepted to present her book there once again. This was the official presentation of the first book though, with a talk by the publisher and a special dance by 4 dancers. Afterwards we bought the book and let it get signed by Jacqueline.
We drove Wonder back to Rijen. His mother was out for the night, but had prepared dinner for us nevertheless. Yummy!
All in all a pretty busy weekend! A bit too much for me, I'll need some time to recover. I was worth it though!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
TT #79: Reiki
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
COT #12: eyes

All three cats have beautiful eyes of their own, but they have different colours. Freyja has blue eyes, Bastet has golden or yellow and Maia's are greenish. I have tried to make good pictures of them, but that's not easy! Finally I came up with these:
Last week I finally added them to Catster (and the dogs to Dogster). Do your cats have their own page on Catster? Feel free to share it, so I can add them as friends!
Monday, April 14, 2008
First Communion
Jaimie was very nervous for his communion, but everything went okay. He looked very handsome in his new clothes. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to make pictures in the church, because they hired a photographer and his pics will be sold.
Back home people trickled in to celebrate with Jaimie. He got a beautiful cake, a bike from his parents, presents and a lot of money. He was the radiant centre of attention. I talked to a lot of people, but also spent time with Balou, their 11-year-old (!) Saint Bernard.
Late in the afternoon on Sunday we drove home. We went to bed early, knackered! :-)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Druid Plant Oracle

Recently I heard about the release of a third deck: the Druid Plant Oracle. I had earned a lot of gift vouchers by filling in online polls and surveys, so I ordered it right away. This week it arrived and it is everything I suspected. I love it! The cards are beautiful, and the companion book gives a wealth of folklore, myth and interpretations for each plant and gives both oracular spreads and ways of working with plants that can act as guides, allies and healers. The cards can be combined with The Druid Animal Oracle cards to give readings from the animal and plant realms. The cards are the same size and, similarly, they possess borders of leaves and berries. There are 36 illustrated cards and 3 that are blank. If you have an affinty for a particular wild plant not featured in the oracle, you can take a photograph and paste it onto one of the blank cards.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
After my appointment we drove to Rijen to see Wonder. He had to go to the hospital for a check-up on his leg and to take out the stitches. They also made new x-rays. The leg is healing at a normal rate (slow), the doctor was quite content. He has to come back in 4 weeks and is not allowed to walk on his leg until that time. If everything goes as it should he can start to put weight on it from then very gradually. The whole process from the accident until more or less complete recovery will last around 6 months.
We stayed for dinner with Wonder's mum and to keep him company for some time. It was very good to see him again! We talked some things through about the Beltane meeting and chatted for a while. Much too early it was time to go home again.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
I'm a dog...
Labrador Retriever
The Caretaker
Your family is what makes you tick, and you never "flea" from an opportunity to hang out with the whole gang. A family picnic complete with hot dogs, deviled eggs and a refreshing swim in the lake is hard for you to stray from. Your sparky temperament and dogged intelligence mean you are not only a blast to hang out with, but great to work with as well. Your close pals appreciate your patience and forgiveness, knowing you'd rather let sleeping dogs lie than dwell on the mishaps of the past. Your dashing good looks may one day lead to a modelling career, if only you can tame the unfortunate clumsiness that sometimes causes you to go flailing from the catwalk.
COT #11: computer desk

I'm very happy with my new computer in my new computer desk in the living room. The cats are very happy to have me downstairs all the time and they like the desk just as much... ;-)
Monday, April 07, 2008
Non-Fiction Meme
But without further ado... Here it is!
What issues/topic interests you most -- non-fiction, i.e, cooking, knitting, stitching, there are infinite topics that has nothing to do with novels?
You'd better ask what issues or topics don't interest me! ;-) That's a lot less (including cooking, knitting and stitching, no offense...)!
But to give you an idea of what I like in non-fiction: occultism, witchcraft, spirituality, psychology, history, nature, animals, art, literature, (auto)biographies, mythology and sooooooo much more!
Would you like to review books concerning those?
Not as an assignment. I want to be free to read and review whatever book I want.
Would you like to be paid or do it as interest or hobby? Tell reasons for what ever you choose.
Hmmm... I'm afraid if I get paid for it, I'd feel an obligation. I don't like to have to do something. I read because I love it and that's how I like it!
Would you recommend those to your friends and how?
If I love a book, I'll definitely recommend it! Sometimes on my blog, but also in real life, e-mail and every way I know.
If you have already done something like this, link it to your post.
Not really reviews, but I recommend sometimes on my blog. The last one was Grandmothers council the world by Carol Schaeffer.
You can find some of my books (fiction and non-fiction) and how I rate them on My LibraryThing.
Please don't forget to link back here or whoever tags you.
Darla of Nichtszusagen! The blog title says she has nothing to say, but that is so totally not true! :-)
And to get this meme moving, you have to tag 10 people.
Sorry, no-do. I like memes, but I don't tag. Everyone who wants to play is very welcome to do so! Let me know if you do; I'd love to read your answers!
Friday, April 04, 2008
Best dad in the world

I still think of him every day, still miss him. I know he's with me in spirit, but I'd love to talk to him and give him a hug for real just once... To me he'll always be the best dad in the world. O sure, you could probably argue that he wasn't and why, but that doesn't matter. He wasn't a saint and I don't idealize him. He had his virtues and vices, so do I (some the same!). He was who he was and to me that is the best dad in the world. I'm so glad Ron has known him very good too, so we could reminisce together today.
♥ I love you, dad! ♥
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
April 1st in Brielle

Although the weather was very unstable, we had a great time. Ron was experimenting with another digital camera, I had my own Canon Ixus. We both made a lot of pictures, you can see them here.