Friday, September 28, 2007
Shock therapy in advertising?
Caro herself does not blame the fashion industry for her disease, from which she began to suffer at the age of 13, owing to a difficult childhood. She seems sincere in her hope that allowing her emaciated naked body to go on public display will help dispel any "romantic" ideas young girls might have about the condition. She writes a blog about her illness and says: "I've hidden myself and covered myself for too long. Now I want to show myself fearlessly, even though I know my body arouses repugnance. I want to recover because I love life and the riches of the universe. I want to show young people how dangerous this illness is."
The Nolita campaign has received backing from the Italian Ministry of Health. From the point of view of Italian health minister Livia Turco such publicity is a good thing. "The disturbing image of Isabelle Caro could open an original channel for communication and encourage people to shoulder their responsibilities in the area of anorexia," she said.
The reactions are reaching from positive to negative and everything in between. I have very mixed feelings about it. I'm not shocked by seeing the pictures, I've seen it in real life often enough. I am very glad though that I don't think it's beautiful or something to strive for anymore!!
For a lot of anorexia patients these kind of pics are nothing new also. They are displayed on every pro-ana site to glorify the "anorexic lifestyle". On the other hand seeing them in the streets on huge billboards and 2-page display in newspapers might be different from glancing at them in the privacy of their own home. I've been thinking what my own reaction would have been in my anorexic days, but I'm not sure. Sometimes shock therapy like this is the only thing that can cause a change or even revolution in behaviour and thinking.
I don't know...
What do you think??
Thursday, September 27, 2007
TT #58: Tinkerbell stuff
~*~*~*~ |
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
CoT #4: yawn!
When I'm stressed I like to watch my cats, it calms me down. Play with them, stroke them... or just looking at them while they are sleeping or washing themselves. Irresistable to me is when they start yawning; before I know it, I'm joining in! Who can resist this:
To conclude this CoT I want to share a picture I made last week that makes me go all weak inside, so cute. Aaawwwww....
Monday, September 24, 2007
Brookberg Mabon
In the stone ceremony preparing for the sweatlodge we each dedicated two stones: one for healing for ourselves and one for someone else (max. 2). I felt that this session would be very intense, and I wasn't wrong... We did three rounds in the sweatlodge. The first round as usual, the last two with our drums inside. The second round I drummed myself, the third round I let the women next to me use my drum. It was very special, different from before. It was heavier, but a unique opportunity to really let go of things. I was ready for it and stayed until the end. My old guide Carmen was there, dressed in lilac, and the black panther, my power animal. I was floating over the crystal plain. The message I got was: don't try too hard to see specific things, you can see and do all you want, the world is opening up for you. With the sweat I let go of a lot of old stuff, I felt reborn. After I left the sweatlodge I took a quick dip in the lake; cold, but I needed it.
Afterwards I had a huge appetite and thirst. Dinner time! Wonder had made a delicious dish (Ren dang?). I had brought fresh juices from my power juicer: kiwi, red apples, green apples, white grapes, orange and a mixed juice. After dinner Wonder took a nap and I was talking inside with some others. Bart has brought beautiful crystals. My eye fell on a big green piece of malachite. It fitted exactly in the palm of my hand and I held it close to my heart. I smiled, the piece gave me a happy feeling. It felt so wonderful; others noticed it too. Bart said I could have it and I couldn't believe it. I hesitated, but couldn't say no. I'm so grateful! I want to give something back, but I don't know what yet.
Later that evening we joined around the fire again for a drum circle. We followed one steady rhythm. I got in some kind of trance. Sometimes I just forgot to drum, startled and drummed on. A strange but wonderful experience.
I was very very tired so I went to sleep right after the drum circle ended. I slept good, deep.
The next morning a lot of people had to leave early, so we closed the circle with the 10 people left. This weekend has brought me a lot and I feel it will go on, it's only just begun...
Some pics I made: a feather in the wet grass, geese near the lake, trees in the distance, mushrooms, the sun through the trees, Spike in the lake, the sweatlodge, the rapeseed field (compare the field with Litha) and lots more!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
TT #57: Mabon
sources: Chrystalinks, Everything2, New-Age,, Avalon Visions, Google ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! |
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Starhawk in Amsterdam

From 14 to 16 September the Dutch Witches Reclaimingforum had invited Starhawk to give a lecture and two workshops in Amsterdam. Quetzalquatl and Freya have done an excellent job in organizing all this. They had arranged a wonderful place to host it: a huge, spiritual and very beautiful living room in the heart of Amsterdam. Sorcha and I had signed up for the workshop on Saturday: "The Earth Path: Giving Spirit Roots". In this workshop Starhawk guided us through a process of learning to use the tools of observation, awareness, and magic, "the art of changing consciousness at will" to deepen connections with the natural world, and to create the myths and rituals that can bring us into harmony with the full community, human and beyond-human. We talked, danced, sang, did a wonderful meditation... It was a very special experience.
Although I'm not a Reclaiming witch it was very nice to meet Starhawk in person. I have several of her books. The Spiral Dance is a well-known classic. I have studied The Twelve Wild Swans in a little group. I had brought my copy of The Pagan Book of Living and Dying, which has helped me a lot last year (and still does sometimes) after mum died. I told Starhawk about that and asked her to autograph it for me. She did promptly and told me today was her mother's birthday. She wrote the book after her mother died.
To experience contact with nature first hand we all walked to the Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis, a museum with a beautiful classical garden, the biggest private garden in Amsterdam. Peace and quiet in the middle of the busy, noisy city! We gathered in a circle around a magnificent tree. In the middle, under the tree, was a red cat. He looked around and seemed to approve of us being there. Then we spreaded to discover the garden. I was glad I had brought my camera: a spider in its web, drops of water on leaves, a sundial... all beautiful. I collected some little stones and a feather to add to our altar in the workshop room. On our way out I noticed a great statue of a woman figure.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
TT #56: visit Velsen / IJmuiden!
There's more to see and do, sources: Toerisme Velsen and Wikipedia on 'Velsen' ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! |
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Another dream about mum
The next moment Ron was explaining to me that he had talked to the woman and that she wasn't my mother. I looked at her and couldn't believe him; she was her spitting image! I knew Ron would never lie to me about something like this though. A feeling of pain and grief came over me and then I woke up.
I know I'm still coping with mum's death, coming to terms with it at daytime and most certainly in my dreams...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
CoT #3: running taps
What's it with cats and running taps..? Water in a bowl isn't interesting at all, fresh water from the running tap on the other hand is veeeeery interesting!
Last February I made this video of Freyja & Bastet playing in the sink:
They still like to play around it, ending up all wet. :-)
The running tap also helped them to except Maia.
She just played along and joined in on the fun!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Lost my Bastet pendant...

I know if you lose something you won't need it anymore or it is worn out, but Bast means a lot to me and I want to express that by wearing her pentacle. I ordered the pendant in the USA, because I couldn't find this one over here. It was my favourite pendant and now it's gone... I'm so sad about it. I hope it is still available somewhere, although that won't feel the same.
Regrets, decisions, pride
- Having children/getting married doesn’t count, nor do their accomplishments/non-accomplishments. This is about *you* and *your* choices, not about your children, nor your spouse.
- Link back to this post
- Be honest
"Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention..."
Of course I have (had) regrets, but at the moment of decision I did what I thought best. Sometimes that turns out to be wrong. I accept that (and admit it) and try to move on. Regrets are too late most of the time. If I can do something to make it up, I'll try though.
Having said that... I regret the pain, worries and troubles I caused for Ron, my family and friends. I don't feel guilty anymore, but I still regret it. I've told them, it's okay.
"You gotta do it gotta do it gotta do it all alone
No one else will do it for you
You're on your own
Do it"
After years of having eating disorders and trying every treatment in the book, I tried to accept the fact that I'd be chronically eating disordered for the rest of my life. It was a very depressing period. Then suddenly one day I said: "NO!! I don't want it to be chronical! I'm going to do something about it, now!" It cost me blood, sweat and (many) tears, but it was the best decision I ever made for myself. I've always had support around me, but this was something I had to figure out all by myself. It still took me some time to get there, but I did it!
"And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive"
I'm proud of my overall positive outlook on life. I'm a survivor, I'm strong. In everything I try to see something positive. It seems like a contradiction: I'm using anti-depressants, but in my heart I'm an optimist. All the troubles and difficulties I have encountered and still do, somewhere deep within I know I'll be allright. That has helped me through very hard times and ordeals. It helps me to cope with my health problems too.
Normally I don't tag specific persons, but I'll make an exception this time.
I'd like to read the regrets, decisions & pride of:
- Lucienne, in your Dutch and/or your English blog
- Evelien, in your Dutch and/or your English blog
- The 2 Witches, you can decide which one of you takes the challenge (or both!)
Sunday, September 09, 2007
My birthday
We were with a small group, because half the guests couldn't come, but we had a very pleasant evening. When the group is small you have time to sit and talk yourself instead of walking back and forth to the bar and kitchen. Even the cats didn't disappear as usual, but joined us. Around midnight most people went home.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
I signed up for PPP
I have decided only to take opportunities (sponsored posts to write), that I like or use myself. I don't want to recommend something I haven't tried and approved just for money. Of course the goal is to get paid for posts, but they have to fit in my blog and match my principles and values. If that means I'll earn less, that's okay. I don't think my readers are waiting for plain advertsing here and that's not my intention at all. I will just add a sponsored post now and then. The money I'll set aside for something extra or special.
This week I discovered two great blogs through PPP. I visited them, liked them and added them to my GoogleReader. In that case I'm okay with writing a post about it. I cherish my integrity and I will always be sincere. You can count on that.
Having said all that I must say I like PPP very much. Companies, services, businesses... they all like to use this friendly way of blog advertising. It's easy to do and the choice of opportunities I want to take is all mine. I search through a list of opportunities, make a blog post, get the content approved, and get paid. It's that simple!
In case you were wondering... yes, this post is
Friday, September 07, 2007
Friday blog tip
Last week it showed 8 pictures of great camouflages in the animal world. The week before that a cool gadget: slippers with headlights! *LOL* Take a look for yourself! You can still see al the previous posts.
The blog is available in English, Dutch, German, Norwegian, French, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese and Russian. You just have to click the matching flag right under the top image. Now, that's service, isn't it? ;-)
Thursday, September 06, 2007
TT #55: Robbie quotes
There are so many more I could share... ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! |
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Karl Moore
Sounds boring? Not really! Well... it depends on your interests, but agree or disagree about that: Karl's blog is definitely worth a visit! Once you've been there I bet you'll return! He posts to his blog daily: inspirational messages, stuff about his life, etc.
On Mondays he posts a "Random Act of Kindness", an invitation to make a change. This week it's "Save a spider", last week "give away £1 / $1 / €1 of your hard-earned money in the best way you can". Just to name a few! Always a little challenge, but doable for everyone.
On Fridays he posts a "Friday Factoid", interesting facts about books, writers, cities, television or any subject he can think of. Aha!-moments aren't rare. :-)
I added his blog to my Google Reader.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
CoT #2: Garfield
26 Feb. 1987 - 21 Sep. 2003
Today I want to tell you something about Garfield. When Ron and I started to live together in 1988 we went to the pet shelter to get 2 cats. One of them was Garfield. He caught our attention by playing with a ping-pong ball. He had been there with his brother, but stayed behind when he was taken. He was 1 year old. He had a ridiculous name, so we re-named him : Garfield!
Garfield adapted easily to living indoors. He liked to play and loved to sleep on my lap. He stood very high on his legs and was a real gentleman. After him came a lot of other cats: kittens and older cats. He made it clear that he was the boss, but once that was settled he was very friendly. For the kittens he was like a mother; he helped, protected, raised them. This is one of my favourite cat pictures ever:
Garfield is sleeping with Mickey in his paws after he washed him. Mickey was the first kitten Garfield took care of. They were bosom friends and truly loved each other...
Garfield experienced 4 moves with us, but everytime he adapted to the new home without any problem. If we were there and he knew the place of his food & water and the litterbox, it was okay with him. A few months after the last move (to our current home) he got skinny and his always shiny fur got pale. His health became very weak the last months. His heart and kidneys couldn't handle the other complications like his thyroid gland that was working too hard. Old age problems. He didn't have pain, but he was sooo tired. He died in my arms...
In his online photo album there are more pics of this very special cat!
Monday, September 03, 2007
End of challenge!
- April 3 (my start): 110.2 kg - 46% fat - BMI 36.8
- May 1 (10:4 start): 104.9 kg - 45% fat - BMI 35
- June 5 (1st update): 99.3 kg - 43% fat - BMI 33.2
- July 3 (2nd update): 97.5 kg - 41% fat - BMI 32.6
- Aug. 1 (3rd update): 93.5 kg - 42% fat - BMI 31.2
- Sept. 1 (10:4 ends): 92.3 kg - 40% fat - BMI 30.8
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Wow... thanks!

I am allowed to spread the love to other blogs I love to read. I'm not going to check whether they already got one, here are mine in no particular order:
- RennyBA's Terella
- Carolan Ivey - Stories That Will Haunt You
- Dobby's Socks
- Gattina's Cats and Funny Stories
- Leanne Wildermuth - Artist By Nature
- The Spicy Cauldron
- Dog's Eye View
My list of favourite blogs is a lot longer, so don't feel sad when you're not in this list! :-)