Mainly, I blog for myself, like writing in a diary. Doing it online gives me the chance to share it with others and get comments. I like comments, in all shapes and forms: just a virtual hug, a long story that makes me think, sharing something, a helpful link, etc. Sometimes it's clear why a post gets no comments, sometimes it's a mystery. I gathered the last 13 posts on this blog (starting last week), that didn't get comments. They all open in a new window. If you read them and you want to comment, you're welcome to of course. Just please don't feel obliged to do so, that's not my intention. No cause for complaint about comments. :-)
How about you? Do you need/like/love comments, do you care at all? Do you leave a comment when you visit a blog? Do you always answer questions on yours? ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ peppylady ~*~ Christine d'Abo ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ DS Writer ~*~ Darla ~*~ Gabriella Hewitt ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ Di ~*~ Carmen ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Nancy ~*~ Trina ~*~ Thomma Lyn ~*~ crowwoman/rhian ~*~ Lisa ~*~ Ingela ~*~ Christine ~*~ Robin ~*~ Bluest Butterfly ~*~ Wacky Mommy ~*~ Annie ~*~ Janeen ~*~ Raggedy ~*~ Mama's Moon ~*~ Danielle ~*~ Susan Helene ~*~ Denise Patrick ~*~ Kimo & Sabi ~*~ Ctina ~*~ christine ~*~ alisonwonderland ~*~ Vader's Mom ~*~ Crystal ~*~ TopChamp ~*~ Irish Church Lady ~* The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Thursday, March 29, 2007
TT #34: no comment
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Blood pressure
I still have very low ferro values, so he prescribed me ferro tablets in a high dose. I have no symptoms of the sarcoidosis at the moment, yay!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Which tarot card are you?

Which tarot card are you?
Spiritual enlightenment, inner illumination, hidden power. Link between seen and unseen. Balance of positive and negative forces. Receptivity. Unseen guidance. A young woman sits on a throne holding a scroll labeled "Tora" meaning "law." On her breast is the sign of the meeting of heaven and earth, the Maltese cross. Her crown is the full orb supported by horns, the crown of the Mother Goddess Isis, who rules all things changeable, shown by the moon at her feet. Her power, upon which her throne rests, derives from the creative principle of duality, shown by the two pillars of light and darkness. To those who know and love her she dispenses the sweet fruit of the world itself, symbolized by the pomegranites.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Brookberg Ostara
Ostara is the sabbath of growth. To grow you need room, so you have to let go of things you don't need anymore. Letting go is never easy though. It's a theme that keeps coming back for me. Last week (and before) I had accumulated a lot from others without letting go of the negative, heavy energy. I didn't feel well when I arrived on the Brookberg: headache, tired, gloomy. When I left I felt happy and charged with positive energy!
In the weekend of the Imbolc celebration the group built a brand new sweatlodge, but the weather prevented us from using it for the first time. Almost everyone was present again this time and the weather had decided to cooperate too. It was dry and at times sunny.
In the stone ceremony we each contributed 2 stones, one for ourselves and one for someone or something else. With the stone for myself I asked to be able to get rid of the bad energy and be able to let things go. My other stone was dedicated to the protection of a very little baby that I want the best for. All the stones were heated in a big fire built around them.
The stones were used to heat the sweatlodge. It was hot (literally), warm (metaphorically) and good, but also quite heavy. I could release a lot of rubbish. Afterwards some people took a dip in the lake. I wanted to, but got cramps when I walked into the icecold water.
After dinner we had a bit of free time. At 11pm the drumcircle ceremony started. I was invited to join in on the big healing drum. Around us sat the others with drums and other rhythm instruments. We did two sessions: a jam session (in which our drum beated time) and a session with one rhythm all together. It was very powerful and moving. We thanked Mother Earth by playing her rhythm. I was in some kind of trance, felt very good. A great experience!
It was after 1am when we went to bed. The start of the summer time also took an hour of the night, so we didn't have a lot of rest. I slept very well though, as always when I'm on the Brookberg. After breakfast Wonder and I took down the tent and packed his car. I made some more pictures. Then it was time to close the circle, say goodbye, give everyone a big hug and eventually leave...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
TT #33: cars
Right now we are driving this darkblue BMW 318i Touring (model E46). Before that we drove the following cars, in chronological order into the past (20 years):
Can you tell we are BMW-fans? ;-) What's your favourite car brand? ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ busy91 ~*~ Chelle Y. ~*~ Thomma Lyn ~*~ Susan Helene ~*~ Janet ~*~ Mama Duck ~*~ Rashenbo ~*~ Wylie Kinson ~*~ Factor 10 ~*~ The Cosmic Kid ~*~ Rose ~*~ jean ~*~ Misc. Mum ~*~ Coco ~*~ the bluest butterfly ~*~ Darla ~*~ SciFiChick ~*~ Jaci Burton ~*~ Shelly ~*~ Carmen ~*~ Nancy ~*~ Heather ~*~ Tilly Greene ~*~ Christine d'Abo ~*~ Gattina ~*~ The Bluest Butterfly ~*~ Sparky Duck ~*~ Denise Patrick ~*~ Annie ~*~ colleen ~*~ Wolfbernz ~*~ Selena Kitt ~*~ Shelli ~*~ Barbara ~*~ Duchess ~*~ Lady G ~*~ Robyn ~*~ Mama's Moon ~*~ Ctina ~*~ Nancy Bond ~*~ JO ~*~ christine ~*~ Kuanyin ~*~ Indigo ~*~ she ~*~ Damozel ~*~ Dane Bramage ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Robyn's baptism
Around 6pm we went to Eindhoven, where the baptism would take place in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also called Mormons). The only things I knew about this religion are from movies (the men are allowed to have more women as their wife, the members have to give a tenth of their income to the church). Therefore it was an honour and unique experience to be present at an occasion like this. Gaialynn is a witch, her parents are Mormons. Robyn is a member of the Young Women group of the LDS.
The baptism service started at 7.30pm. Robyn wore a beautiful dress that Gaialynn made for her; she looked like a fairy princess or an elf. Mother and daughter made a pretty pair. For the baptism itself we had to go to another room, where the (big!) font was. The Mormons baptize by complete immersion. Robyn was baptized by her granddad. Unforunately I couldn't see the event, but it was special just being there. Several people from the LDS (elders, brothers, sisters and president) spoke, we sang psalms and the Young Women sang "Arise and shine forth" for Robyn. Robyn herself has a wonderful voice too. She sang "In your hands" with her brother Anthony. After they finished their little sister Gillian joined them for a nice pic.
After the service there was soup with buns and all kinds of delicacies. Ron, Wonder and I went outside. Gaialynn made a picture of the three of us. I made a picture of her with them. Doesn't she look fabulous?? She lost 90 kilogrammes after her weight loss surgery. I wouldn't want to change places with her because she went through a lot to get this far, but her figure is stunning. Afterwards we went back to Gaialynn's home and around midnight we drove home.
more pics in Gaialynn's albums (scroll down to "Robyn's doop en verjaardag")
Friday, March 16, 2007
SFGA chakra-psychology
It was good to have an "old-fashioned" meeting with a theme, we all felt so. Of course we talked about all kinds of things, but a theme adds something extra. Wonder explained about chakra's and chakra-psychology. I told some things about Anodea and her book "Waking The Global Heart"; we visited her lecture in October. We've drawn up the presentation in a document, which will be put on the SFGA FTP-server hosted by IJs. You can also read it here (mostly in Dutch).
Interesting links:
Sacred Centers - Anodea is the founder and director of this foundation
Waking The Global Heart - about the book and everything related
Thursday, March 15, 2007
TT #32: my handbag
Okay, there were a few more than 13 things, so I had to cheat a bit by putting things together in one item. ;-)
And... I forgot to take my pen out of the bag for the picture. It's a gift and says "Pagan & Proud". ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ PJ ~*~ Delightful Duchess ~*~ Queen of Wands ~*~ Jamie ~*~ Vader's Mom ~*~ Friday's Child ~*~ Janet ~*~ Chelle A. ~*~ Susan Helene ~*~ Wylie Kinson ~*~ Ridz ~*~ Rose ~*~ Rav'N ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ ancsweetnsassygal ~*~ Chelle Y. ~*~ Darla ~*~ Daisy ~*~ Red ~*~ Tilly Greene ~*~ Nancy ~*~ Sparky Duck ~*~ Kim ~*~ Amanda ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Selena Kitt ~*~ Julia ~*~ Annie ~*~ Christine ~*~ Indigo ~*~ peppylady ~*~ Rashenbo ~*~ Maven ~*~ Taconcubano ~*~ amy ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ Mercy's Maid ~*~ Sophisticated Writer ~*~ amy christopher ~*~ Kimo & Sabi ~*~ Robyn ~*~ Ctina ~*~ Caylynn ~*~ Gabriella ~*~ Uisce ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Friday, March 09, 2007
So, how does it work? The idea is to re-programme your brain so you think in another way. Instead of concentrating on the problem, NLP attempts to alter the thought processes that lead your body to behave in a certain way. Once your brain has been retrained to think differently, your actions should change automatically. Sue Knight, practitioner and author of "NLP At Work", describes it like this: 'NLP looks at how people organise their experience. We all have various habits and patterns and once we've learned to do something, we tend to always do it in that particular order or set of circumstances without thinking about it again. NLP helps you become aware of how and what you're doing so you can approach it another way that may produce better results.'
Thursday, March 08, 2007
TT #31: cat quotes
~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Claire ~*~ Thomma Lyn ~*~ PJ ~*~ amy ~*~ Mrs Lifecruiser ~*~ Queen of Wands ~*~ Jenny ~*~ Friday's Child ~*~ Susan Helene ~*~ Raggedy ~*~ Janet ~*~ Chelle Y. ~*~ DK Raymer ~*~ armywife ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Candy Minx ~*~ Kimo & Sabi ~*~ whenn ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ Dragonheart ~*~ Daisy ~*~ Caylynn ~*~ Darla ~*~ Faz the Cat ~*~ Gabriella ~*~ Sparky Duck ~*~ Christine ~*~ Starla ~*~ Mommy the Maid ~*~ crowwoman / rhian ~*~ Jane ~*~ Alasandra ~*~ Wylie Kinson ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ ctina ~*~ spyscribbler ~*~ Bee ~*~ YummY! ~*~ Tara ~*~ MommyBa ~*~ annie ~*~ Sophisticated Writer ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |
Monday, March 05, 2007
Birthday Ron
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Dog training with Boris
Last week Ron and I were at the local pet shelter and discussed it with Jaap (the manager), who is also a dogtrainer. He advised me to come to the dog training on Sunday morning. I said yes, but I didn't exactly look forward to it. All the confidence was gone, I was kind of desperate. This morning Ron and I drove to the woods of country estate Beeckestijn. Ron went for a walk with Foofur and Jaap took Boris and me under his wings. The good news is that nothing's wrong with Boris. I have to change the way I handle him though. My behaviour stimulated him in his actions. We did some exercises and it went very good! I'm learning to trust him and myself. When I'm not afraid he'll attack - he won't! Ignoring and rewarding works better than punishment and raising your voice. That's my kind of approach! I hate to "bark back" at a dog. My confidence is growing again, because I see this method works. It will take a while to get it all better, but we've made a promising start. Yay!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
TT #30: Freyja & Bastet
A little extra, to see them in motion: ~*~*~*~ Links to other Thursday Thirteens! ~*~ Wacky Mommy ~*~ Janeen ~*~ Chelle Y. ~*~ Thomma Lyn ~*~ Courtney ~*~ Gattina ~*~ Mitchypoo ~*~ Nathalie ~*~ Dragonheart ~*~ Carmen ~*~ Daisy ~*~ Susan Helene ~*~ Red ~*~ Joy Renee ~*~ Alasandra ~*~ Vicky ~*~ busy91 ~*~ Shiloh Walker ~*~ Gabriella ~*~ L^2 ~*~ Crystal ~*~ Lexa Roséan ~*~ Kuanyin ~*~ Qtpies7 ~*~ Lady G~ ~*~ Tara ~*~ Irish Church Lady ~*~ Christine ~*~ Kimo & Sabi ~*~ Amy ~*~ YummY! ~*~ Jenny McB ~*~ Mitch ~*~ DK Raymer ~*~ Domestic Geek ~*~ Carol ~*~ The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! |