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Kickin'It Old Skool, Day 6
"Whether you've been blogging for 5 years or 5 days, share with us your first post. What inspired you to start, what have you've learned or how you've changed since then?"
I started blogging on LiveJournal on December 24th, 2002. To my surprise that journal is
still online! I got the idea from my friends in the PostcardFairies, a US-based but worldwide spread group of mainly women that sent each other self-made postcards by snail mail. I still have loads of cards. The group still exists and I have stayed in contact with quite a few of them!
Although I'm Dutch I've always blogged in English so all my international friends can read it too (and to practice my English).
Back to LiveJournal...
This is my first post (click the link to see the actual post for yourself):
Tinkerbell ( tinkerbell_nl) wrote,
@ 2002-12-24 20:39:00
Current mood: happy
Well, here I am! Thanks travelfairy for the code! I just created this journal. It will change, it's rather dull right now. I'll have to find my way here. This is just a test-entry; more to follow later!!
In 2004 and 2005 I also had an account on Muselog. I tried to find it back, but I guess it's no longer online. Of course I saved it myself, so here it is:
Friday, August 13, 2004
As my first post I decided to copy what I wrote on my application form for MuseLog.
I'm a Dutch eclectic solitary witch who likes exploring the www, meeting other pagans, learning about other paths and religions, etc. I have a LiveJournal, but I hardly use it to write about my spiritual path and every-day-life as a witch. On MuseLog I hope to find kindred spirits and being able to share my thoughts about spirituality, paganism, witchcraft and the like.
Perhaps I can contribute a little Dutch touch to MuseLog!
Tinkerbell has been my online nickname for as long as I have internet access, because I just like that little fantasy-pixie! On a serious note: in a way I do believe in the existence of creatures like faeries, nymphs.
I'm the first to admit my knowledge of HTML/CSS/PHP is very basic, but I'm ready to learn!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Posted by Tinkerbell on 08/13 at 09:44 AM
In 2004 I moved to Blogger/Blogspot and that's where you're reading this now. :-) In the beginning I posted the same on both LiveJournal and Blogger, from August 2005 on it's Blogger only.
This is my first post on Blogger, a meme called Witches Weekly:
AUGUST 04, 2004
What do you
like most about the summer season?
not the heat! I like nice weather, but too hot is not my cup of tea (for sure
over here in The Netherlands with the high humidity). I like the summer season
because it gives its own different touch to nature (as do all the seasons).
People are happier, more joyful in summer.
How does
weather affect your spirituality? Are you more active in the summer with pagan
activities or less? Do you meditate outside or inside depending on weather?
I'm not
more active on my own, and there aren't many get-togethers in summer also. If
the weather allows it I love to meditate outside. If it's hot like today, I
don't do anything, spiritual or other! ;-)
What's your
favorite summer ritual? (Lughnasadh, Midsummer, whatever you celebrate)
Midsummer /
Litha is special because of the very short time of darkness that night. If I
can I stay up all night and celebrate, preferably with others.
posted by Tink @ 13:24
So, that's my start of the blogging adventure. Blogging has gone through a lot of changes over the years. I was quite active until social media started to become bigger. That's why I love this blog-a-thon to give my blogging a new impulse. I hope I can keep it up! I'm having fun again and love to meet new people and their blogs this way.